A story of a drawing

I had approximately six months without drawing anything. I have been super busy and with no time to dedicate myself to drawing and normally when I draw I like to dedicate some time to it 'cause first I create the concept in my mind, which are usually dark-themed drawings, like everything I do 😁 And then is when I start the drawing process.

It looks like I have a plan but no I just fine some paper an star to draw what comes to my mind in that moment. Actually I always star with something and make other at the end cause I don't like what I draw at first but well what I came to.

I have been sick for several days and without leaving the house so I began to draw a little. I spent several days drawing this because I couldn't dedicate a long time to it because as I told you I've been sick and I was getting tired or I had to go to bed because of the fever or a lot of coughing and things like that made me stop but well the important thing is that I finish.

This is what I made

It's not exactly what I wanted because the truth is I'm not that good at drawing but I do what I can with what I know and what I like...

I like to think drawing process as a means of relief and literally sometimes I think my drawing express some truth about what I feel in that exact moment about myself But then I change my mind and only stays in the paper.

It's like a switch in my brain

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