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Religious art

I recently joined this community. It seems quite cool. Thought I would share some of the stuff I'm busy making. Let me know if it's inappropriate for the community. I don't quite understand exactly how everything works yet.

Religious Art

I have an ongoing interest in religious art. Especially the work from Renaissance Artists like Michel Angelo and Leonardo Da Vinci. Basically all the Ninja Turtles..

Today I felt especially inspired so I decided to recreate a very famous scene from Michel Angelo's Sistine Chapel fresco. I am a pixel artist so of course I used the best art style in the world for this task.

The dimensions I used are 300 px by 135 px. And my first step was to create the linework. It is quite challenging to recreate any artwork at these small sizes. But I pushed through and tried my best to accentuate the most important parts of the fresco.

michel linework.gif

After the linework was done I added some base colours. I am using the default 24 bit colour theme for all my colours.

base colour.gif

And then I defined it with some more colour.

finer colouring 1.gif

And even more colour!

fine colour2.gif

And here it is! The final pixelated version of Michel Angelo's God and Adam. It's probably not the final though but I this took me around 8 hours already and I'm done for the day. Let me know in the comments what you think or what I should change.

prefinal leo.png


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