Zaustavite se ovde i pogledajte kako sam naslikala labuda koji se kupa! Stop here and see how I painted a bathing swan!

Odkako sam počela da radim akvarel, ne prestajem. Pre posla- crtam! Posle posla- crtam. Dok jedem- crtam. Crtam danju crtam noću. Ova situacija bas i nije normalna ali strast ne bira.
Danas sam naslikala nekoliko akvarela. Sve zajedno oko 10 sati crtanja. Ledja su počela da me bole pa sam morala da prestanem. Danas ću vam pokazati postupak kako sam nacrtala labuda koji se brćka i uživa u vodi, gledajući tutorijal na youtubu. Pokušala sam da unesem malo svog stila. 🦢
Pa da krenemo od skice!

Ever since I started doing watercolor, I haven't stopped. Before work - I draw! After work - I draw. While I eat - I draw. I draw during the day, I draw at night. This situation is not at all normal, but passion does not choose.
I painted a few watercolors today. All together about 10 hours of drawing. My back started to hurt so I had to stop. Today I will show you the process of how I drew a swan frolicking and enjoying the water, watching a tutorial on YouTube. I tried to introduce a little bit of my own style.
So let's start with the sketch!



Nakon skice koju uglavnom moram da imam mada slike mogu da se rade i bez skice, pogotovo ako je apstraktan crtež ili iz glave. Počela sam od neba. Tonovi su izmešana plava, siva i zelena.

After the sketch, which I usually have to have, although the pictures can be done without a sketch, especially if it is an abstract drawing or from the head. I started from the sky. The tones are mixed blue, gray and green.





Kada želim da dobijem svetlost, na ta mesta ne stavljam boju. Tako se postiže efekat svetla u akvarelu. Zato se prvo radi pozadina.
Zatim sam pocela paralelno da radim delove labuda gde nema svetla i vodu. Voda je takodje specifična da se crta. Sem boje i talasa, kada imate odraz u vodi onda to mora verno i što preciznije da se naslika. Zato ovih dana crtam pejzaže sa rekom, jezerom, morem. Želim što bolje da naučim taj efekat. Koliko sam uspela, procenite sami.

When I want to get light, I don't put color in those places. This is how the effect of light in watercolor is achieved. That's why the background is done first.
Then I started parallely to do parts of the swan where there is no light and no water. Water is also specific to draw. Apart from color and waves, when you have a reflection in the water, it must be painted faithfully and as precisely as possible. That's why these days I draw landscapes with river, lake, sea. I want to learn that effect as well as possible. How much I succeeded, judge for yourself.




Labud je beo i deluje kao da tu nema puno posla ali baš zato IMA. Na indirektan način se oslikava. Ovaj labud je zauzeo čudnu pozu što mi je otežalo crtanje ali nisam odustala.
Naravno, opet sam zaboravila da fotografišem baš sve. Zanela sam se.😁
Ok, ostalo mi je još ono što najviše volim a to je efekat prskanja vode. Već sam vam jednom rekla kako se pravi efekat padanja snega i prskanja vode? Da, četkicom za zube i belom bojom. Četkica za zube ima oštru dlaku pa je zato idealna za ovaj efekat.
Još prskanje i slika je gotova.

The swan is white and looks like it doesn't have much to do, but that's exactly why there IS. It is depicted in an indirect way. This swan took a strange pose which made it difficult for me to draw but I didn't give up.
Of course, I again forgot to take photos of everything. I got carried away.😁
Ok, I'm left with what I love the most, which is the water splash effect. I already told you once how to make the effect of falling snow and splashing water? Yes, with a toothbrush and white paint. A toothbrush has sharp bristles, so it is ideal for this effect.
Another spray and the painting is done.



To je to! Sa ovim efektom prskanja vode sam završila sliku. Još sam samo doterala nekoliko senki u vodi, dodala malo plave boje u vodu i to je to!

That's it! With this water splash effect I finished the picture. I just adjusted a few shadows in the water, added a little blue color to the water and that's it!


Iako mi se na početku učinilo da ne treba da nastavim jer mi se učini da sam nešto pogrešno uradila, ipak sam nastavila. Upornost se isplatila. Moj labud je ispao super! 😊🦢
Pošto sam bila jako srećna što mi je slika ispala dobro, nastavila sam da radim i crtam neke nove slike. Bol u ledjima mi je dao do znanja da prekinem i nastavim sutra. Jedva čekam da vam pokažem šta sam još nacrtala. Pozdrav i želim vam lepo veče. ✨👋

Although at the beginning it seemed to me that I should not continue because it seemed to me that I had done something wrong, I still continued. Persistence paid off. My swan turned out great! 😊
Since I was very happy that the picture turned out well, I continued to work and draw some new pictures. The pain in my back let me know to stop and continue tomorrow. I can't wait to show you what else I drew. Greetings and have a nice evening. ✨👋

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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