Ulični prodavci/ Street vendors

Zdravo dragi Hajveri! Da li vam se spava? Evo jednog akvarela da vas razbudi!☝️😁
Danas ću vam pokazati kako sam naslikala dve muške figure. U pitanju su dva trgovca koji nešto prodaju na ulici.
Ok, počinjem od skice..
Dakle, olovka:

Hello dear Hivery! Are you sleepy? Here's a watercolor to wake you up!☝️😁
Today I will show you how I painted two male figures. It is about two traders who sell something on the street.
Ok, I'll start with the sketch..
So, the pen:


Ovde je akcenat na dobrom rasporedu svetla i senki...

Here the emphasis is on a good arrangement of light and shadows...


Crveni suncobran propušta jako podnevno sunce pa će i lica trgovaca biti crvena kao i delovi tela

The red parasol lets in the strong midday sun, so the traders' faces will be red as well as their body parts


Kada sam sve nacrtala,iskoristila sam sunce i senke na mom stolu i poigrala se kao da su deo njihove atmosfere...

When I drew everything, I used the sun and shadows on my table and played around as if they were part of their atmosphere...




To je to! Senke sam postavila na pravo mesto, sve se poklopilo!
Ja sam zadovoljna, a vi?
Da li sam vas razbudila? 🤗😉

That's it! I placed the shadows in the right place, everything matched!
I am satisfied, and you?
Did I wake you up? 🤗😉

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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