Three bees 🐝🐝🐝

Doletela mala pčela
Maslačku na glavu sela...

A small bee flew by
Dandelion on the head of the village...


Maslačak se malo sredi pa joj reče
Niže sedni...

Dandelion straightened up a bit and said to her
Sit down...


Nema smisla nije red
Da mi sa glave kradeš med...

It doesn't make sense, it's out of order
To steal honey from my head


Ali hajde ovaj put
Najlepši sam dok sam žut.

But come on this time
I'm most beautiful when I'm yellow


Kao što vidite, danas sam crtala nekoliko pčelica. Pčele najviše vole proleće pa koristim priliku da ih crtani dok još nije počelo leto. 😄😉🐝
Primetili ste da sam na početku na slici nacrtala četiri pčelice, ali jedna mi se nije dopala kako sam je nacrtala pa sam je isekla. Zato je papir iz dva dela,ali ove tri su prelepe. Slatke male debeljuce. 😆🐝
Prijatno veče vam želim i pazite da vas ne ubode neka pčela! ☀️🤗😉🐝

As you can see, I drew a few bees today. Bees love spring the most, so I use the opportunity to draw them before summer has started. 😄😉🐝
You noticed that at the beginning of the picture I drew four bees, but I didn't like how I drew one of them, so I cut it out. That's why the paper is in two parts, but these three are beautiful. Cute little fatties. 😆🐝
I wish you a pleasant evening and be careful not to get stung by a bee! ☀️🤗😉🐝

Pesma se na početku se zove "Ljubazni maslačak" nepoznatog autora.

The song at the beginning is called "Kind Dandelion" by an unknown author.

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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