Starac bez mora...🌊An old man without a sea...🌊

Ribu nisi ubio samo zbog toga da bi uživao i da bi je prodao na pijaci, pomisli on. Ubio si je iz ponosa i zbog toga što si ribar. Volio si je živu, a voliš je i mrtvu. Ako je voliš, nije grijeh ubiti je. Ili je onda još veći?

You didn't kill the fish just to enjoy it and sell it at the market, he thought. You killed her out of pride and because you are a fisherman. You loved her alive, and you love her dead too. If you love her, it is not a sin to kill her. Or is it even bigger?


Ali, mislio je, držim ih baš kako treba. Samo, više nemam sreće. Ko zna? Možda danas? Svaki dan je nov dan...

But, he thought, I hold them just right. I'm just out of luck. Who knows? Maybe today? Every day is a new day...


Dobro je kad čovek ima sreću. Tačnost mi je ipak draža. I onda kada sreća dođe, spreman si.

It's good when a person is lucky. I prefer accuracy though. And then when luck comes, you're ready.


Ali čovek nije stvoren za poraze Čovek može biti uništen, ali ne i pobeđen.

But man is not created for defeats. Man can be destroyed, but not defeated.


Gore u kolibi na starčeve oči ponovo se navukao san.

Up in the hut, sleep came over the old man's eyes again.


Spavao je još uvijek s licem zagnjurenim u postelju, a dečak je sedio kraj njega, posmatrajući ga. Starac je sanjao o lavovima.

He was still sleeping with his face buried in the bed, and the boy was sitting next to him, watching him. The old man dreamed of lions.



Eto, ovo je bila priča za danas.
I stariji ljudi su lepi, sa suštinom i iskustvom, lepi iznutra, lepi, životno lepi...
Pozdrav svim dragim Hajverima!

Well, that was the story for today.
Older people are also beautiful, with substance and experience, beautiful from the inside, beautiful, life-like beauty...
Greetings to all dear Haivers!

Text source: The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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