Pogled u budućnost/akvarelLooking into the future/watercolor

Kažu da umetnik nikada ne treba da bude zadovoljan postignućem jer uvek može bolje, ali ja sam danas po prvi put prevazišla sebe. Naslikala sam apstraktan portret žene i zadovoljna sam. Čini mi se da od ovoga ne bih mogla bolje, ali svakako neću prestati da se trudim. Evo današnjeg portreta, nadam se da ćete uživati u procesu.

They say that an artist should never be satisfied with an achievement because he can always do better, but today I surpassed myself for the first time. I painted an abstract portrait of a woman and I am satisfied. I don't think I could do better than this, but I certainly won't stop trying. Here is today's portrait, I hope you enjoy the process.


Nekad mi se čini da je i skica dovoljna, ali kada počnem da bojim ipak shvatim da je potrebno oživeti crtež. Dakle počinjem sa nijansama braon, bele i crvene. Tonovi su u početku svetli.

Sometimes it seems to me that a sketch is enough, but when I start to paint I still realize that it is necessary to revive the drawing. So I start with shades of brown, white and red. The tones are initially bright.


U poslednje vreme skice sam radila na papiru za skice i to se vidi iako crteži nisu ispali baš najbolje jer je za akvarel potreban papir koji dobro upija. Danas sam radila upravo na takvom papiru. Razlika je ogromna.

Lately I've been working on sketch paper and it shows even though the drawings didn't turn out very well because watercolor requires absorbent paper. Today I worked on exactly such a paper. The difference is huge.


Akvarel je lepši kada se koristi više slojeva ( lazurno ), jer slika dobija realniji izgled. Akvarel je pravi izazov za to.

Watercolor is more beautiful when several layers are used (azure), because the picture gets a more realistic look. Watercolor is a real challenge for that.


Tonovi lica su slični okolnim delom kao što su pozadina i kosa, pa mu baš ta kombinacija daje neku kompaktnost i težinu ali i balansiran izgled.

The tones of the face are similar to the surrounding parts such as the background and the hair, so that combination gives it some compactness and weight, but also a balanced look.




Još nekoliko poteza do finalnog izgleda.
Oči su ogledalo duše pa sam najviše vremena posvetila njima. Ok, portret je gotov. Nadam se da vas ni ovog puta nisam izneverila i da ste uživali. Pozdrav svima!

A few more strokes to the final look.
The eyes are the mirror of the soul, so I devoted the most time to them. Ok, the portrait is done. I hope that I didn't let you down this time either and that you enjoyed it. Regards to all!

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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