Nasukan brod/ tempera 🖌️🎨Stranded ship/ tempera

Danas mi se slikalo, a nisam imala ništa od ozbiljnijeg pribora, samo školske tempere i običan školski blok br. 5.
Ipak sam se igrala...Put do nasukanog broda je ipak bio interesantano putovanje...
Ovo putovanje poklanjam i vama dragi hajveri.

Today I had to paint, and I didn't have any serious equipment, only school tempera and an ordinary school pad no. 5.
I was still playing... The trip to the stranded ship was an interesting journey after all...
I'm giving this trip to you, dear Hiveri.


Napravila sam skicu. Pomalo u neverici sam počela da bojim. Nisam dugo crtala temperama pa sam izgubila osećaj jer sam se navikla na akvarel.

I made a sketch. A little in disbelief, I started to paint. I haven't drawn with tempera for a long time, so I lost the feeling because I got used to watercolor.


Pažljivo sam počela da bojim crvenom bojom. Za početak je delovalo ok. Hrabrila sam sebe da ne mogu puno da zabrljam. Imam veštinu da popravljam stvari pa me je to tešilo. 😅

I carefully started to paint with red paint. At first it seemed ok. I encouraged myself that I couldn't mess up too much. I have a knack for fixing things so that comforted me. 😅


Brod je izgledao solidno. Vratiću se opet na njega. Odlučila sam da uradim i pesak na koji se brod nasukao da bih dobila ravnotežu i shvatim koliko treba da doradim brod i kojim bojama.

The ship looked solid. I will come back to him again. I decided to also do the sand where the ship ran aground in order to get balance and understand how much I need to finish the ship and with what colors.


S obzirom da je zanimljivije je kada ima više detalja jer to slici daje dinamiku, ispod broda sam naslikala mali kanal sa vodom u kome se oslikava nebo. To će dati realističanu atmosferu i neku finoću atmosfere

Considering that it is more interesting when there are more details because it gives the picture dynamism, I painted a small channel with water under the ship, in which the sky is depicted. It will give a realistic atmosphere and some finesse of the atmosphere.



Sada ću ubaciti senke koje su neophodne da bi se dočarala dubina prirode.

Now I will insert the shadows that are necessary to convey the depth of nature.



Ok, vraćam se jošmalo na brod.
Još malo crvene, plave, braon, bele. . .

Ok, back to the ship a bit more.
A little more red, blue, brown, white...



Huh, gotovo je. Negde na pola puta učinilo mi se da je sve bezveze, naivno. Htela sam da izgužvam papir ali sam se predomislila, ipak sam nastavila. Nisam se pokajala, upornost se isplatila. Uostalom, tako je sve u životu, nema predaje. . .

Huh, it's over. Somewhere halfway through, it seemed to me that everything was pointless, naive. I wanted to crumple the paper but I changed my mind, I continued anyway. I did not repent, persistence paid off. After all, that's how everything is in life, there is no surrender. . .

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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