Karikatura kao svadbeni poklon! Budite kreativni kad poklanjate!🎨🎁 Caricature as a wedding gift! Be creative when giving gifts!🎨🎁

  • Zvrrrr.
  • Da? ( budim se ujutru i jedva otvaram oči ) 🤦‍♀️
  • Komšinice, hteli smo da te pitamo da nam nacrtaš neke karikature za svadbu, može?
  • Čekaj. . . Šta? Aha. Ok. Može! Da li imate fotografije onih koje treba da nacrtam?
  • Naravno.
  • Super. Odmah počinjem!✏️

Wrrrrrr ( telephone ring ).

  • Yes? (I wake up in the morning and can hardly open my eyes) 🤦‍♀️
  • Neighbor, we wanted to ask you to draw us some caricatures for the wedding, okay?
  • Wait. . . What? Yup. OK. Can! Do you have photos of the ones I should draw?
  • Of course.
  • Great. I'm starting now!✏️


Završila sam skicu!
Sada pojačavam liniju flomasterom. U medjuvremenu razmišljam. . . Hm, čime obojiti? 🤔
Znam šta da radim. Obojiću skice kao probu. Jednu ću obojiti drvenim bojicama, drugu karikaturu vodenim bojama.

I finished the sketch!
Now I reinforce the line with a marker. In the meantime, I'm thinking. . . Um, what to paint with? 🤔
I know what to do. I will color the sketches as a test. I will color one with wooden crayons, the other cartoon with water colors.



Sada pojačavam liniju flomasterom. U medjuvremenu razmišljam. . . Hm, čime obojiti? 🤔
Znam šta da radim. Obojiću skice kao probu. Jednu ću obojiti drvenim bojicama, drugu karikaturu vodenim bojama.

Now I reinforce the line with a marker. In the meantime, I'm thinking. . . Um, what to paint with? 🤔

I know what to do. I will color the sketches as a test. I will color one with wooden crayons, the other cartoon with water colors.



Hm, definitivno akvarel!
Akvarel je toliko lepa tehnika da mi se čini i kada bi loše nacrtali, slika bi ispala super. Akvarel crtežu daje život i punoću, kao prirodan izgled. Evo, obojila sam vodenim bojama!

Um, definitely watercolor!
Watercolor is such a beautiful technique that it seems to me that even if you drew it badly, the picture would turn out great. Watercolor gives the drawing life and fullness, like a natural look. Here, I painted with water colors!


Iskreno, dugo nisam radila karikature, s obzirom na to, zadovoljna sam. Kažu, kada dugo trenirate sport, pa ne trenirate nekoliko godina i opet počnete, brzo se vraćate u kondiciju jer mišići “pamte”. Tako je valjda i sa crtanjem.

  • Zvrr.
  • Da?
    Komšija, završila sam karikaturu. ( pošaljem sliku).
  • Wow! Super! Nisam ni sumnjao.
  • Hvala.
  • Prodato! ☝️💰
  • 🥰

Honestly, I haven't done cartoons in a long time, considering that, I'm satisfied. They say that when you practice sports for a long time, then you don't train for a few years and you start again, you quickly get back in shape because the muscles "remember". I guess it's the same with drawing.

  • Zvrrrr (I'm calling on the phone)
  • Yes?
    Neighbor, I finished the cartoon. (send a picture).
  • Wow! Great! I never doubted.
  • Thank you.
  • Sold! ☝️💰

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana

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