Budite sveži i promenljivi kao reka, ne kao ustajala bara. Be fresh and changeable like a river, not like a stagnant pond.

Pitala sam drugaricu, da li bi više volela da živi kraće ali sadržajno i uzbudljivo ili duže ali jednolično. Odgovor je bio razočaravajuć ali nisam iznenadjena.
Ovakav odgovor bih sigurno dobila od većine upitanih. 😒
Ne znam za vas ali šta je uzrok ovakvom odgovoru? Predpostavljam STRAH. Da li je život u strahu vredan? Da li nekome koristi? Da li je lak? Naravno da nije! Zašto onda ljudi biraju da žive dosadnim životom? Zato što daje osećaj sigurnosti, osećaj poznatog. U stadu je toplo ali smrdi. Komfor daje privid lepog. Komfor je zapravo zamka za razvijanje. Sedi tu i uživaj, ne talasaj. Kome će iz komfora pasti na pemet da nešto promeni? Pa nikome. Nove situacije radjaju nove pobede. Moramo se kretati, učiti, menjati svakoga dana. Jedino tako imamo šanse da upijamo životne sokove.
Ova tema neka bude uvod u moju novu sliku. . .

I asked my friend if she would prefer to live a shorter but meaningful and exciting life or a longer but monotonous one. The answer was disappointing, but I was not surprised.
I would certainly get this answer from most of the people asked. 😒
I don't know about you, but what is the reason for this response? I guess FEAR. Is living in fear worth it? Does anyone benefit? Is it easy? Of course it is not! So why do people choose to live boring lives? Because it gives a sense of security, a sense of familiarity. It's warm in the herd but it stinks. Comfort gives the appearance of beauty. Comfort is actually a trap for development. Sit there and enjoy, don't wave. Who will think of changing something out of comfort? Well, to no one. New situations create new victories. We have to move, learn, change every day. This is the only way we have a chance to absorb life's juices.
Let this topic be an introduction to my new painting. . .





Da li bi na zid pre stavili sliku vodopada ili ustajale bare? Pa vodopada, naravno. I Feng Šuji govori o tome da bi postakli energiju u kući, treba okačiti sliku reke, vodopada, tekuće vode. Tako je i sa ljudima. Ustajali i dosadni ljudi nikome ne prijaju. Za njih će se kačiti isti.

Would you rather put a picture of a waterfall or stagnant pond on the wall? Well, waterfalls, of course. And Feng Shui talks about the fact that in order to create energy in the house, you should hang a picture of a river, waterfall, running water. It's the same with people. Stale and boring people please no one. The same will be attached to them.




Ako već dugo stojite na mestu, dosadno vam je, rutina vas guši. . . Učinite nešto, pokrenite se, pustite boje u svoj život. . .

If you have been standing still for a long time, you are bored, the routine is suffocating you. . . Do something, get moving, let colors into your life. . .


Pomešajte boje, eksperimentišite, rizikujte. Život je nastao od VELIKOG PRASKA!

Mix colors, experiment, take risks. Life originated from the BIG BANG!






Mišić jača vežbanjem, ne čekajte da to neko radi umesto vas. Šanse su kao zvezde, neke se ne vide ali to ne znači da ne postoje. Krećite se, provocirajte život. Troterovi su rekli, ko ne rizikuje, taj ne profitira!
Ova slika ne bi nastala da sam samo sedela. Činila sam jedan potez, dva poteza, tri poteza i nastala je slika! ☝️

Muscles get stronger with exercise, don't wait for someone to do it for you. Chances are like stars, some are invisible but that doesn't mean they don't exist. Move, provoke life. The Trotters said, those who don't take risks, don't profit!
This picture would not have been created if I had just sat there. I made one move, two moves, three moves and the picture was created! ☝️




Um se može promeniti. Uključite i svoje srce, neka mu srce postane saveznik, rezultati će vas oduševiti kao i mene ova slika. . .

The mind can change. Include your heart, let his heart become an ally, the results will delight you as this picture did me. . .

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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