Biciklista / A cyclist

Čovek nesumnjivo mora imati strast ka nečemu da bi se pokrenuo. Mene još uvek drži. Danas počela dan sa velikom voljom da crtam. Današnjim crtežom vežbama senke i svetlost. Koliko sam uspela pogledajte u ovom postu. . .

Undoubtedly, a person must have a passion for something in order to be motivated. He's still holding me. Today I started the day with a great desire to draw. Today's drawing exercises shadow and light. See how much I succeeded in this post. . .


Meni se već dopala i skica, ali hajde da nastavimo...

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I already liked the sketch, but let's continue...


Uglavnom sam koristila de do tri boje pomešane..Plava, braon i crna

I mostly used up to three colors mixed together..Blue, brown and black


U akvarelu je jako zabavno dočarati svetlost tako što ne koristite nikakve boje, samo se koncentršete na senke.
Crtajući senke, dobijete svetlost.
A sada bicikl.

In watercolor, it's a lot of fun to create light by not using any colors, just concentrating on the shadows.
By drawing shadows, you get light.
And now the bike.


Tankim jedva vidljivim linijama do točkova.

Thin barely visible lines to the wheels.


Primetili ste da se točkovi pri dnu ne završavaju,upravo će taj detalj dočarati svetlost.

You noticed that the wheels do not end at the bottom, it is precisely this detail that will bring out the light.


Biciklista je završen. Trenutno je na pauzi i čeka momenat da krene.Verovatno je crveno svetlo na semaforu 😉

The cyclist is finished. He is currently on break and waiting for the moment to start. Probably the traffic light is red 😉

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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