A man drives a load of wood

Volim sve da crtama, ali čini mi se da su ljudske figure ipak najveći izazov. Hajde da vidimo koliko je današnja skica bila uspešna.
Dakle, čovek nosi tovar na bicikli...

I love to draw everything, but it seems to me that human figures are the biggest challenge. Let's see how successful today's sketch was.
So a man carries a load on a bicycle...


Glava je završena. Brzo sam je nacrtala jer nije bilo detalja kao što su nos, oči...
A sada, telo...

The chapter is complete. I drew her quickly because there were no details like nose, eyes...
And now, the body...


Na ovoj figuri zaista ima jako puno detalja pa je trebalo mnogo truda i strpljenja...

There are really a lot of details on this figure, so it took a lot of effort and patience...


Još nekoliko detalja i čovek na biciklu je završen. Boje koje sam koristila su: plava, crvena, narandzasta i braon...

A few more details and the man on the bike is complete. The colors I used were: blue, red, orange and brown...

Gotovo. Sve je na svom mestu.Zadovoljna sam.
A vi? 🥰🖌️🎨

Done. Everything is in its place. I am satisfied.
And you? 🖌️🎨

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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