A calm harbor ⛴

I dalje tvrdim da je akvarel najteža tehnika. Mnogi ljudi izvrsno crtaju u nekim programima, ali rukom naslikati je za mene ipak nešto što nikad neće biti prevazidjeno. Kao i slikanje, volela bih da se vrati pisanje pisma. Slova u wordu nikad ne mogu zameniti spontanu kap mastila, rukopis drage osobe, dušu jednog ljubavnog pisma, ali ko me pita? 💌
Dakle, tena današnje slike je čamac u luci. Za ovakve slike, ovog nivoa i dalje pratim tutorijal. Naravno, slikam i sa svojih fotografija, ali akvarel se dugo uči dok ne steknete svoj likovni izraz. Dakle more, more kao najlepša tema koja smiruje. 🌊

I still maintain that watercolor is the most difficult technique. Many people draw excellently in some programs, but for me painting by hand is something that will never be surpassed. Like painting, I would like letter writing to come back. Letters in word can never replace a spontaneous drop of ink, the handwriting of a dear person, the soul of a love letter, but who asks me? 💌
So, the subject of today's picture is a boat in the harbor. For pictures like this, this level I still follow the tutorial. Of course, I also paint from my photos, but watercolor takes a long time to learn until you acquire your artistic expression. So the sea, the sea as the most beautiful and calming theme. 🌊




Ne zamerite mi što nisam fotografisala svaki potez, jednostavno se zanesem. Verujem da bi taj problem svaki slikar imao. 🥴

Don't blame me for not photographing every move, I just get carried away. I believe that every painter would have that problem.




Primetićete da deluje kao da je sve radjeno u nijansama jedne boje ali zapravo ima 4, 5 boja. Radi se o suptilnom mešanju koje akvarel papir odlično upija. Ovom tehnikom nije lako vladati jer imate 3 minuta pre nego papir upije a onda se ne moze puno popravljati.Prvi nanosi četkicom su najvažniji. Ja najbiše uživam da gledam kada se konture osuše pa ostave divne ivice kao razbijeno staklo.

You will notice that it seems as if everything is done in shades of one color, but actually there are 4, 5 colors. It is a subtle blending that the watercolor paper absorbs very well. This technique is not easy to master because you have 3 minutes before the paper absorbs and then it cannot be repaired much. The first brush applications are the most important. I enjoy watching it the most when the contours dry and leave beautiful edges like broken glass.



Nadam se da ste još jednom uživali u avanturi stvaranja akvarelom. Hvala što ste i danas podelili nekoliko minuta samnom. Prijatno veče Hajveri!

I hope you once again enjoyed the adventure of creating with watercolors. Thank you for sharing a few minutes with me today. Have a nice evening, Hivery!

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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