The tiny Cinciallegra (oil on paper)

Hello hivers, an happy Friday to you all! The weekend is just around the corner and just now the clouds over my city is running away and the sun is shining (even if I'm pretty sure the rain will come back soon).

Today I'm here to show you a new tiny panting about another Cinciallegra, the italian name of the great tit (Parus major bird). As I wrote before I love the Cinciallegra cause the colors of the body and the beautiful call, so,as you can understand, is one of my favorite subjects to paint.
Just to know, the part "allegra" of the name "cinciallegra" in italian language means "happy", as to say this kind of bird is an happy bird. _
In the following pics you can see the final result:



As you can see, the subject is a one of my sweet (and fat) bird in my own illustrative style.
It's an oil painting on 200 gsm paper in A6 size (te size of a postal card) and, like I use to do for you, I took some pics while I was painted it on my small working table so you can see the process too:




Soon I'll add this new artwork to my Artfinder shop (link at the bottom), hoping it will find a new home and a new wall to decor!

I hope you like it!
See ya soon and stay safe,

***If you like my artworks, you can find them on my online shops on
Artfinder (, on Etsy ( and on my Patreon page too ( If you are interested about my artworks, you can buy my catalogue here:

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You can find it in different countries, you have just to search "silvia beneforti portfolio" on Amazon. _
_ ****

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