[Eng-Esp] The placid gaze of the red-eyed girl.-- La placida Mirada de la chica de ojos rojos.

The placid gaze of the red-eyed girl.

La placida Mirada de la chica de ojos rojos.

Greetings my dear reader friends, welcome to my new post, in which I will be presenting you the innocent, captivating and very hypnotizing portrait of a beautiful woman with red eyes.

Saludos mis queridos amigos lectores, sean bienvenidos a mi Nuevo post, en el cual les estaré presentando el retrato inocente, cautivador y muy hipnotizante de una hermosa mujer de ojos rojos.


The portrait that I present to you has some characteristics that I have been practicing lately in my free moments, such as the structure of the face and the hair. I wanted to do only the face, neck and hand to be able to work as much as possible on every detail and also try to generate in the skin that "porcelain doll" sensation that I have liked so much.

El retrato que les presento tiene algunas características que he estado practicando últimamente en mis momentos libres, como la estructura del rostro y el cabello. Quise hacer solo el rostro cuello y mano para poder trabajar lo más posible en cada detalle y además tratar de generar en la piel esa sensación de “muñeca de porcelana” que tanto me ha gustado.

Besides the face I wanted to add some surreal aspect to maybe break the routine but honestly I was so captivated by the look of the girl that I tried to do the whole face and the contour to highlight those placid eyes.

Además del rostro quería agregarle algún aspecto surreal para quizás romper la rutina pero sinceramente me cautivo tanto la mirada de la chica que procure hacer todo el rostro y el contorno para resaltar esos placidos ojos.

The process was really pleasant and even though it took longer than I had planned I can say that I enjoyed it very much.

El proceso fue realmente agradable y aunque dure más de lo que tenía planeado puedo decir que lo disfrute mucho.

Every detail that can be seen in the final portrait was worked out during the sketching process.
Cada detalle que se aprecia en el retrato final fue tramado al realizar el boceto.


As he had the idea clear, he proceeded to make the base shape of the girl and to carefully mark the shadows to give depth and relief to each part of the face.
Como ya tenía la idea clara, procedió realizar la forma base de la chica y a marcar con mucho cuidado las sombras para dar profundidad y relieve a cada parte del rostro.









Although it looked a bit "simple" in my mind I was already adding all the shadows and details that give it that placid look.
Aunque se veía un poco “simple” en mi mente ya estaba agregando todas las sombras y detalles que otorgan ese aspecto tan placido.


I decided to make her hair black and abundant... very messy... to express her nonchalance and tranquility in her environment. Once all the colors were ready, the moment to add shadows and lights was what I liked the most, since with each layer and each detail I managed to obtain a very pretty girl with a blushed and relaxed look. I finished this portrait adding a kind of light ring formed by two illuminated squares that keep her full of brightness both in front and behind.
Su cabello decidí hacerlo Negro y abundante… muy desordenado… que expresara su despreocupación y su tranquilidad ante su entorno. Ya con todos los colores listos el momento de agregar sombras y luces fue lo que más me gusto ya que con cada capa y con cada detalle lograba obtener a una chica muy linda con un aspecto sonrojado y relajado. Termine este retrato agregando una especie de aro de luz formado de dos cuadros iluminados que la mantienen lleno de brillo tanto por delante como por atrás.





I hope you liked this portrait and it was to the liking of all my readers, I appreciate that you enjoy my art and join me in every post. Love @shirahoshi and I look forward to seeing you next time.

Espero que este retrato les gustara y fuera del agrado de todos mis lectores, aprecio que disfruten mi arte y me acompañen en cada post. Los quiere @shirahoshi y los espero en una próxima oportunidad.

Logo sin sombra.gif

The image was made by me in Photoshop and has a final size of 2550 x 3300.

The Step by Step Gif was made by me in AdobePhotoshop CC2014.

The logo was designed by me in Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 and its animated version was made in After Effects CC 2017.

Language corrector used Deepl.

Remember that you can purchase these beautiful pieces of art made and tokenized by me at Nftshowroom at an excellent price. Link to the gallery here

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