Couple of My Art Works I worked on Recently

Hi HIVE Friends,


It's been quite some time since I last posted as I got busy with Home Work given by my teachers during this lockdown :(.
Anyways, I could complete that and working on drawings again and here I would like to present an Angry Bird and an Ambulance.
I am not that good in writing, but hopefully, you like my drawings.
Ok, here I go..

Angry Bird:

Started with border and eye part, couldn't get it to be round though as much as I would have liked.


And then the mouth and eyes. Notice those triangle shaped beak and mouth, hope I got it right.


A little touch up for border for making it more visible by thickening the black line border.


This is a red angry bird and yes the name of it itself Red because it's the angriest bird!!!


A little more color for beak and mouth and this is done, simple, isn't it?


Since it's been some time I drew something, I thought of drawing one more and here is the second one, an Ambulance.

The front part of Ambulance with front wheel..Again I couldn't get it round and have to erase and draw multiple times.


The body part with other wheel and that Ambulance logo +.


Some coloring, blue front part and red cross for that Ambulance logo.


And this is the final one with little more touch up on borders and coloring part.


Thank you all and I am sure, you guys are as bored as I am, sitting at home and nothing much other than watching TV, playing with my little brother and doing some homework.

I will come back with few more before the school starts in June as by that time I will be in school hopefully and will not get much time for drawing and all.

Thank you again and have a Good day :)

Thanks for going thru the art work, I hope you appreciate this.

Your Young Artist,

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