Pecalor Bandit: week 309 splinterlands contest

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For a while now I have only been opportune to draw my contest drawing 🤧, the school has been on my neck lots materials to read and an exam to prepare for so I don't have that time I had when I just joined the platform but hopefully when all the materials are read and exams are done I would have nothing left to do and all my focus would be on my drawings.
I think they call or rather this pme is called Pecalor Bandit, due to my lack of time I was looking for a character woth not much armour on his or her body in order not to take so much time. Then I found this guy or girl (I'm still contemplating on whether he is a girl or guy) with a simple body and just a feather attached so I drew him or her.
I know my drawing of his feather was trash and that has been a major problem for me in drawing (drawing a feather) but maybe soon I'd be goo at it.

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