The Barn - original art by @mariandavp

Hey everyone!

I hope you had a great time at Hivefest! I wish I could have joined but my little hotel (Sea Lilies Suites in Naxos) was quite busy so I couldn't really leave.

During August, I hardly had time to breathe really. At some point, I felt that I had no real life so I decided to endure a few sleepless nights and finish that screenplay I had began during the winter, and missed the final act. A couple of weeks ago, I finally finished it and submitted it to various competitions.

Now that the tourism in the area is slowing down, I thought it was about time to start painting again. Or simply do some sketching, doodling, anything really to clear my mind. I mean, I spent half of the year worrying about my hotel endeavor and I am about to spend the other half worrying if my screenplay will place in any competition!

So, I did doodle a little. And came up with that litlle barn that was flooding with my pages.


When I was about to post it, I realized that the barn I painted was the logo of one of the competitions I entered; Barnstorm Fest. 🤣

It seems painting did not clear my mind after all!

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