Love and Robots V1 - digital art with the use of AI

Hello everyone!

Further to my previous post on the use of AI in art, I continue with a series of digital artworks that I intend to use in my seasonal exhibition at Sea Lilies Suites art hotel in Naxos, Greece.

The idea is to create some contrast between the traditional architecture of the premises and a forward looking contemporary design in artworks and some furnitures.

Currently, we cannot talk about forward looking art without contemplating the place of AI and the use of robots in our near future.

Humans and Robots in love in a romantic environment like Plaka Beach, where the hotel is, is the future I imagine and wish to depict.

This is the first selected image that will be exhibited in the suites.

Hope you like it!

DALL·E 2023-02-25 11.10.04 - Digital art of a primitive male Neanderthal kissing a cute female white robot on the beach on a sunny day.png

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