Practice 3D | Adapting Robot Concept Art


Good people or lover of games and 3D. Finally something new done hehehehe, well I usually make models of splinterlands to practice but this time I have a different model that I made while exploring the web (Pinterest) a bit and I found a drawing of a robot for practice, I usually don't make so many models of this style because I focus more on learning what organic modeling is since it was the one I knew the least to do, I also made a robot a long time ago but using 3DSMAX so I will leave a link Here of this model.

The other thing is that also at the time of working on this model it was somewhat out of practice because I started another user but for more characters and also to do direct gameplay among other simple things, it was because I always work 3D 24 hours a day because I'm still learning to use Blender affected me a little and even more when I find problems that are very difficult for me to solve and as always I write down everything I am learning in the tools so as not to fall into the same problem again, I also began to ask for groups because looking for videos by YouTube doesn't always solve everything hehehe, that reminds me that tomorrow I'll start handwriting everything I've written down in those documents.

With this model I did not follow the process completely because I was resuming the practice because I gave myself a month off from 3D together to resume and then set a work schedule so as not to force myself so much by working all the time.

I also didn't do any recording apart from a few livestreams I did for him on Vimm while he was doing it since I also want to start streaming while I work, I admit that on the first livestream I closed it quickly because I was so out of practice that I even got nervous in the direct one for forgetting some tools in the program, so much to work in organic modeling that he forgot the inorganic modeling hehehe lol

I also recently learned how to configure my Peakd user by adding a portfolio collection, I didn't want to do Vimm broadcasts because I didn't want to fill the profile with so many broadcast posts until I saw this configuration, my portfolio Here =)

  • Work Tools:

Blender 3D


Tablet Wacom Intuos 5

  • Model:


Link to the original drawing Here

  • Carved Model Block:



  • Finished Model Without Textures:


  • Adding Textures:


  • Textures And Render Tests:




  • Renders Ready:








Thank you very much and I hope you liked my post Greetings 😄


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