Masterpiece in the making

Hello my dear bloggers! Today I'm sharing this artwork I'm working on:) Sadly, is still yet to be finished but I'm quite proud of how it's looking like! Please Enjoy:)

Hello! So, as I said earlier. I'm currently working on this artwork(and another one as well, but that one is yet to be finished as well lmao) and I wanted to share how it's looking like until now! I made this one with a character named "Wanderer" (Also known as Scaramouche, or even Kabukimono), so if you have been reading my past blogs you probably know him already. I actually had a different idea in mind, using a reference... But I got a bit mixed up and decided to use a homemade reference(a photo of myself) to do this lmao. I changed the drawing quite many times, so I saved the ones with most visible changes so this post isn't 152 photos long....

The process :)

As I mentioned before, It changed many things so it doesn't look the same as it started...






At first, I wanted to do a dude eating a heart, but then I thought of adding that character since I had it in mind. Although, it's still not looking the way I want it to, I'm still proud.

That's all for today, I will upload the finished product once it's finished. For now, take care and see you soon!


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