Splinterlands Art Contest Week 302: Runemancer Florre

Runemancer Florre10.png

Good day everyone sorry fpr not being online lately, this work was meant for last week's contest but die to insufficient power supply the finish was late so I had to move it to next week.
Some 9f my mistakes while making this work is the left should and the size of the half arm, made the arm too fat that I can even resize it so I kept on going. But I was satisfied after doing the armour part of the had, the light shads othe elbow was nice.
Hope you all find this qork nice as I do.

Talking about the subject of this post,

Florre is a part of the Dragon splinter and possesses some unique abilities. One of Florre's key abilities is the "Heal" ability, which allows her to heal herself or other friendly monsters during battles. This healing ability can be crucial in sustaining your team's health and increasing their longevity in fights. Additionally, Florre has a decent amount of health and can be a valuable asset in battles where endurance is essential. Overall, Runemancer Florre is a solid choice for players looking to bolster their team with healing capabilities and resilience.
Thanks for viewing my post and do not forget to drop off your comments before leaving, good day.

Here are the procedures,

Runemancer Florre10.png

Runemancer Florre9.png

Runemancer Florre8.png

Runemancer Florre7.png

Runemancer Florre6.png

Runemancer Florre5.png

Runemancer Florre4.png

Runemancer Florre3.png

Runemancer Florre2.png

Runemancer Florre1.png


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