Furniture App

Hola πŸ‘‹β˜ΊοΈ πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹...

Another design I bring to you,a quick minimalist design. Designed made some months ago, actually around my second/third design. Really in love with the design and the fact that it's among my first designs makes it really remarkable.

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A furniture app, actually took a while to get this done back then. Although now if I'm to work with it it's most likely to take me a day as well,lol,yeah a day. I'll be needing to do research and pick the design pattern that fit my style. Next design I'll be dropping,I think I'll make it

minimalistic.....something very simple like this one, something that'll make you crave for a real product. 😁😫

So it's a simple furniture app were users can easily get beautiful decorations for their homes,make beautiful designs with an app before putting it in your house,i hope u like it. Imagine

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As usual I used my favourite design tool,figma..... it's one of the best design too in the world,haha. It has so many great stuffs one could use and learn from. To me it's and will always be the best(dunno the future though) I still admire another design tool... "PowerPoint" I think it's a actually a good design tool but haven't learnt about it though, will look into it soon. It actually has cool animations dunno if more than figma but I love the Animations and would love to try em someday. Never the less, think I gat to go now, and thanks for going through mah blog. And keep it in mind that you can always reach out to me if you need a product or so, think I'll be leaving now,got to attend to other stuffs,see ya soon.
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