"Owlet's Termite Feast" Illustration

The only time I have seen spotted owlets in our garden was during an eruption of flying termites. This usually happens just after the first rain of the rainy season. It is spectacular with thousands of winged termites attracted to whatever lights are on. And then a whole range of insect-eaters are attracted to the feast, from large wobbly toads and leggy huntsman spiders to over a dozen different bird species. But this year was the first time to see this cute little owl or at least the first time to be sure about what I was looking at. I often see small owls flying away from me as they always see me first and I have no chance to get a proper look so I assume they are the similar and locally more common barred owlet. But with the termite eruption a pair of them came and sat on the grass picking off the grounded termites where I could tell the "spots" from the "bars" at my leisure.

I think I have heard them calling but, again, these two species both have a range of calls and I am not expert enough to be sure which I am listening to. The frustrations of nocturnal wildlife is part of what makes them so alluring I guess.

I really like how this illustration turned out, particularly the termites. I think it gives a good impression of the spectacle of their translucent wings backlit by one of our garden lights high up on a lamp-post. I also have photos and video but for me this illustration actually better evokes the memory.

After drawing it I realised that the way I had done the light looks a bit like rain. This was not deliberate but there often still is some rain in the air when the termites emerge so I left it as a happy accident.

Now I just hope I don't have to wait until next year to see another spotted owlet.


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