How i designed my first website User Interface(UI) of a Pastry Shop Company.

Good day guys, hope we are all doing good and making progress in whatever we are doing. Well a lot has been going on with me and my journey into tech and UI/UX, its being amazing and challenging at the same time, i even just started my internship with Zuri with partnership with Ingressive4Good last week, and its been great, looking forward to getting deeper and learning more everyday.

I also worked on a mini Pastry shop Website, i made the home screen, the order screen and checkout screen. This is actually my first web design, and i am proud of our the design came together.

I didnt really have a problem i was trying to solve why designing this, i just wanted to put into practice what i have been learning, since i am a lover of pastry i decided to design a pastry shop website.

The first thing i did was to design the Hero section because to me this is the part that really get the users attention and gives them the very first impression about the website and company product. A bad hero section the give the users a bad impression throughout their experience navigating through the website.

I made use of a background image of pastries and used a dark rectangle with an opacity level between 70 to 80% to make the background darker and also having a blur effect, so that i can add the company name, Motto and a little info about the company with another pastry image to speak more on what the company do.

I also designed the next slide to be about showcasing the company and its history baking delicious pastries.

I then the designed the cards for the company special flavour pastries

I also designed the category section to help customers streamline their search and make their decision making process easier.

You can check out the design on behance through the link below, i shared the design prototype file there.
Check Out The Design

Like i said it been an amazing journey so far for me, and improving my knowledge and skill everyday is something fascinating, i am very open to correction and advise. That is it from me for now, i will surely be back to share more on my journey into the tech and design world, see you all soon and happy new month.

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