Painting Study Misty Mountain

Hello, hello!

And welcome back to emanate artworx. Today, I'd like to share a landscape study I made recently. I had been having this image of a scenic misty mountain vista at sunrise in my head over and over again. So you know I had to re-create it. 🤓

Tbh, I'm not sure where it came from since there are no mountains where I live, but still, it was there in my mind's eye. The mist makes the whole thing look so pretty in the yellow-y sunlight. I actually made a few renditions of this image to get it how I wanted.

For the first two attempts, I worked with acrylic on canvas board. The first go was not total failure, but I definitely did not love what I was seeing. Too busy in the composition. The second time I still wasn't getting exactly what I'd envisioned, so to ease my frustration (aka save some supplies 😆), I halted the second canvas and turned to a digital version instead, which is the spotlight of this post.

It's still not 100 percent what I pictured, but to me, it's better than the acrylic versions, lol. It's progress, anyway. Also, I utilized a couple of references to help with the compositional aspects for the digi version.

Misty Mountain study
Emanate Artworx 2023
3072 x 2304
Made with IbisPaint X ver. 10.0.10
About 1 hour

Digital Reference 1

Digital Reference 2

I still have a lot to learn about how to best use references and incorporate them with my original ideas. That might be the most harrowing part of my art journey atm 😭🥲, but also becoming kinda fun. Trying to kill my old ways here, don't mind me.

For posterity, here are the acrylic versions, one "complete" and one halfway there. The sky in the first one has nice depth and brushwork. But. All the mountains keep looking like boobs; need more mountain studies 😵‍💫😅:

Thanks for reading! See you all next time : )


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