If You Can't Make a Marble, Make Fancy Paper Plates -- More Adventures Between 2D and 3D!


The epic nature of certain epic fails in marble-making is like that exponentially asymptotic curve that is NEVER going to reach zero -- what can happen on the journey is stunning!

I shared in my last post that some fractals will not make a sphere -- either they will start to divide themselves such that they form two or more figures of general circularity (of which ONE might be a good marble sometimes), or there are GAPS in how they present, reflecting gaps in the solutions to the equations that underlie the visual presentation in Apophysis 2.09.

What you never know is exactly HOW those gaps are going to show up.

No one expects Dixie or Chinet to make the scene when doing fractal art.

This fractal for whatever reason looks to me like a fox running in thumbnail form -- that is, from a long way off. At some point, I may work this all the way out, but, what I decided to work with was the color scheme ... I thought it would make a lovely marble ...


However, I didn't notice the trouble brewing at this stage. The sides were coming together in a nice 3D-ish way, and although there were gaps, it didn't seem that they would not close ...


But see that HARD ring at the very top and the tie-off in the middle? That's what the trouble was going to be, combined with the fact that if we take this as a 3D figure NOW, it is likely to fill in on the backside, but it has NOTHING in the front. Given that the math tends to do what it is already doing, there is little chance of that big front gap being drawn in such a way that it appears to have volume. Will it sphere? No. Never. Instead...


... Chinet has entered the chat with a fractal twist!

Some people don't want their food touching -- made a palette change to try to sneak these platters into spheres, and made those people happy once ...


... twice ...


... and three times ...


Two fall themes and a winter theme ... let me give us a holiday winter version as well so that we are covered for all the family feasts and gatherings, at least in the fractal realms where Covid-19 is NOT invited and CANNOT get in:


All I need now is to figure out how to make some 3D fractal holiday food (and I might be getting close), and we are set. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! When life gives you fractals that will not sphere, make fractal paper plates and prepare for the holiday feasts (without dishes to wash, not that we can wash dishes in the fractal realm ... yet)!

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