Sails Up ~ A Caribbean Themed Watercolor


Here Is Another New Painting ..

I told you I was on a roll, a creative roll! So today I’m going to share another small painting I created in watercolor. This is a Caribbean themed painting that utilizes the same color palette that I used in the last painting of those Koi fish. Given the nautical nature of the piece, I decided to name it 'Sails Up'. I think that name fits it nicely.

Another New Years Painting ..

This nautical and Caribbean themed watercolor painting, is another one I created over the new year holiday. This painting, from start to finish, took about 35 minutes. I like these small watercolors because they dry fairly quickly, or small enough to only spend an hour or so on, and leave you feeling a sense of accomplishment in a relatively short time. I find that these tiny paintings quickly build my self-esteem and get me back on the creative track quicker then if I would get involved with a larger project. Larger projects are not conducive to jumpstarting your creativity after you’ve been on an artistic hiatus. I speak from experience, unfortunately.

I gathered up my watercolors, a few paper towels, the brushes I wanted to use, a piece of watercolor paper, and of course water. You can’t forget the water! As for my choice in watercolor paper, I prefer the 140 pound cold press material.


I unfortunately forgot to take progress pictures, so you don’t get much on the way of the process. Sometimes that happens. Sometimes we forget the photographs when we are lost in the creative daydreams floating around our minds.


Here it is all completed. I created a low horizon with only a hint of land to the left. I painted in a small sailboat just offshore, cutting through the small waves of those Caribbean blue waters. I also utilized titanium white oil paint in order to highlight a few waves and some high Cumulus Nimbus clouds. It’s just a different way of highlighting then strictly using watercolor. I don’t always use this method but sometimes I like how the oil paint appears over top of the watercolor. One drawback is you do have to wait an extended period of time for the paint to dry.


I had my official Painting checker, Molly, check out my work. She did not approve! So it’s back to the drawing board we go.



Molly and I decided that the white messy and lose border didn’t quite look good enough. So I opened a small tube of blue oil paint and proceeded to lightly blend it in from the outside in. It creates a different look than the white and I’m not sure I care for it either.

I can always crop the painting if I decide I can’t live with it. For now I’ll just leave it alone. I did find that it brought out the highlights in the clouds and water a lot more than being surrounded by the lighter tone of the border being all white. That’s the neat thing about painting, you can change highlights by just changing the color tone around the area you would like to appear brighter.


Well that’s it for today! Another Caribbean theme painting that has worked wonders on my mood. Creating the small paintings really boost my self-esteem and my overall mood, to a happier one.


I have several more small paintings that I have completed over the past week. I can’t wait to share them with you! Stay tuned for more!!!

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Thank you for swinging by my blog and checking out the post. Have a great day!


All words, pictures and art pieces are the sole property of B D Miller Gallery, unless otherwise noted and credited, and are not to be reproduced or copied without the prior written consent of B D Miller Gallery.


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