100 Friend's pen portrait series| Dailyportrait challenge| Day #2|

This series may be new to you,but I already made a post on the first day on this one, and here is the link to the post,100 Friends pen portrait series| Day #1 | Intro.

So this is my fourth day actually on this series that make the second posting day of total 50 at least.

Here are my today's portraits.


If you are doubting whether this my own work or Someone, I would recommend you to click the link above to my previous post and go to comment section. You can see there I proved my truth.


I won't be able to all post on this community, so please visit my home page to see more in future too.

It will be a long time of 100 days, so I will post at least 50 posts. It is a long period and I want your complete support to continue and be concentrated on the task.💯

I will consider drawing portraits of friends who makes good comments and upload nice and clear portraits (twice in a week) which will go through a selection process
So please be in touch and sent me good portrait

So wish me good luck.

God bless you all.

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