বিদ্রোহী Bidrohi

Hello everyone, I hope you all doing well.
So, today, I want to share with you all my newest Illustration, called বিদ্রোহী Bidrohi.

Artboard 1@2x.png
Bidrohi (Bengali: বিদ্রোহী, English : The Rebel) is one of the most famous poems in the Bengali (Indo-Aryan language native to the Bengal region of South Asia) language. written by Kazi Nazrul Islam in December, 1921. Originally published in several periodicals, the poem was first collected in October 1922 in a volume titled Agnibeena: the first anthology of Nazrul's poems.

This poem celebrated human creative powers, asserted the affirmation of the individual human capacity for heroic action and human unity and solemnly called for rebellion against all forms of oppression.

This poetry imbibed the passion and creativity of Shakti (fundamental cosmic energy and a central deity within Shaktism, a significant theological tradition of Hinduism), which is identified as the Brahman.

Here's few lines of Bidrohi that inspires me to create this illustration;

English interpretation :

Say, Valiant,
Ever high is my head!

I am the hurricane, I am the cyclone
I destroy all that I found in the path!
I am the dance-intoxicated rhythm,
I dance at my own pleasure,
I am the unfettered joy of life!
I am Hambeer, I am Chhayanata, I am Hindole,
I am ever restless,
I caper and dance as I move!
I do whatever appeals to me, whenever I like,
I embrace the enemy and wrestle with death,
I am mad. I am the tornado!
I am pestilence, the great fear,
I am the death of all reigns of terror,
I am full of a warm restlessness for ever!

In it's original language :

Ami chirodurdom,durbinito,nishongso,
Maha pralayer ami nataraj, ami saiclone, ami dhongsho!
Ami maha-bhoy, ami abhishap priththir,
Ami durbar,
Ami venge kori sob churmar!
Ami aniyam usshrinkhal ,
Ami doley jai joto bondhan joto niyam kanun shrinkhal!
Ami maninako kono ain,
Ami vora tori kori voradubi, Ami torpedo ami vim vasoman mayeen!
Ami dhurjoti, Ami elokeshe jhor akal boishakhir
Ami bidrohi, Ami bidrohi suto bissho-bidhatrir.
Bolo bir -
Chiro- unnoto momo shir!

আমি চিরদূর্দম, দুর্বিনীত, নৃশংস,
মহা- প্রলয়ের আমি নটরাজ, আমি সাইক্লোন, আমি ধ্বংস!
আমি মহাভয়, আমি অভিশাপ পৃথ্বীর,
আমি দুর্বার,
আমি ভেঙে করি সব চুরমার!
আমি অনিয়ম উচ্ছৃঙ্খল,
আমি দ’লে যাই যত বন্ধন, যত নিয়ম কানুন শৃঙ্খল!
আমি মানি না কো কোন আইন,
আমি ভরা-তরী করি ভরা-ডুবি, আমি টর্পেডো, আমি ভীম ভাসমান মাইন!
আমি ধূর্জটি, আমি এলোকেশে ঝড় অকাল-বৈশাখীর
আমি বিদ্রোহী, আমি বিদ্রোহী-সুত বিশ্ব-বিধাতৃর!
বল বীর –
চির-উন্নত মম শির!

And here's Bidrohi illustration detailed view in 4 parts;

Part 1/4
Artboard 2@2x.png

Part 2/4
Artboard 3@2x.png

Part 3/4
Artboard 4@2x.png

Part 4/4
Artboard 5@2x.png

I hope you all enjoy my work, and if there are errors in my writing, please provide feedback to me so I can produce better work in the future. Thank you very much :)

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