10 Lessons Men Learn Too Late In Life

I'm back in the cave again and I believe this particular blog will be lesson of lessons.

Growing up as a guy there's been a whole lot of things that I had to learn by experience and to be honest, not cool but still had to endure it.


There are mistakes I made, if I had be told earlier, I certainly could have avoided it. This seems to be the lot of a lot of old men out there. So lads I'm going to share of few of my experiences with you and disclose 10 of the lessons we the men learn a bit too late in life. Perhaps, some young lads to learn from this.

Unpredictable experiences of life, filled with surprises, downfalls and somehow it’s always the best lessons that you learn when you least expect it.

In looking back at my own time, I can’t but accept that some things just unfold in their own time and for a reason. So guys take a seat maybe with a cup of steaming coffee as we explore 10 lessons that came to me a little later than anticipated.

Firstly, let’s talk about the fallacy of self-reliance. For many years, I carried around the badge of independence because I believed asking for assistance was an admission of weakness.

It took one humbling moment for me to realize that seeking help does not mean giving up; this rather affirms our humanity.

  • Communication: the bedrock of every relationship.

When younger, I used to think that voicing out was synonymous with feebleness, fearing vulnerability more than anything else.

It was only through embracing open conversation did I find out that true strength actually lies in saying things truthfully thus making deeper relationships along.

Emotion, those evasive things we often seek to control. It is true; I was bottling up my feelings for years thinking that vulnerability meant weakness. Nevertheless, it felt so good to discard that shield and allow myself to be human again.

It was a lesson in investing in relationships that came knocking a little later than expected. In my quest for career milestones, I neglected the relationships that truly counted.

A turning point made me realize that amidst life’s chaos, it is those sleepless nights talking to each other, spontaneous laughter and real connections that keep us going.

Failure, the unpleasant thing we all fear swallowing. Before now, I used to think of setbacks as dead ends or proof of inadequacy.

However, with time I came to understand failure not as a sentence but an opportunity for growth, resilience and ultimate victory.

Self-care, this fugitive concept do often obliterate by societal expectations. It happened; I ignored my personal well-being for years mistaking self-care for selfishness. Not until then did I begin thriving when I prioritized my mental and physical wellnesses plus others’.

Quality over quantity is a philosophy I have completely accepted. It is not just having lots of friends or stuff that enriches our lives, but also the quality of those friendships and relationships.

For me, surrounding myself with genuine connections and meaningful experiences has been a game changer.

Ah living in the present moment! Easier said than done. I used to dwell on past regrets and worry about future uncertainties, oblivious to the beauty that was unfolding right before my eyes.

However, through practice, I have come to be grounded in the present and savor each fleeting moment as they follow one another.

Humility is often eclipsed by pride; this virtue is not given much consideration. Yes, I must admit that so many times I have walked along the path of arrogance more than I want to mention.

Nevertheless experience comes with age and now what once seemed like a weakness has turned out to be a great strength: humility which help me understand my own weaknesses more gracefully.

Lastly there is always time for something new even at old age, an invaluable lesson. Life is all about beginnings and endings; every chapter can bring growth and transformation.

In my journey towards embracing these lessons later in life however I came to realize that it is only through taking the journey itself that we reach an end for every detour holds its own magic.

In sum, the most significant teachings of life are often apparent at the very point that we need them. So, let us salute lessons learned from events that happened when they were supposed to and the rosy future full of potential.

So guys, here’s a toast for those who blossomed late and danced to their own time clock only to find what was beautiful in life in due course. Whatever happens, just know one thing I always keep in mind, This is your first time experiencing life, don't be too hard on yourself if you make those silly mistakes.

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