Crypto Flood

noahs-ark-crypto-flood-rainbow @EverNoticeThat.png

Times like these are what I call "Shaking the Tree" times, where during a strong wind, the stately tree sways to and fro, dislodging any rotten apples along the way. These fall to the ground, and yet the end result of their descent is to bring forth young green seedlings to begin the cycle of growth all over again.

Wiser heads will recognize this pattern and prepare for the harvest of opportunities as they come. We're now in the midst of such a shaking, and its evident in the mocking tone of a number of the rancid apples yet to detach and plummet.

Cycling Through the FUD

I hear this all around about the current state of crypto prices. No amount of explanation of cycles is enough to sway the uninitiated, who should have been aware of cycles past. At this point, I believe it's wise to let such people be, and to save our words for ears that are ready to hear them.

They are a reminder of the people who sold whatever they had to participate in the run-up in prices in late 2017, only to bail months later when correction time rolled around. In my local crypto-desert, a stoic attitude has developed which allows me to pass the naysayers on by not willing to shred precious time laying it all out for them yet again.

It would almost be like trying to explain away the tides or the normality of an annual eclipse. Better to let them be overtaken by the FUD, then to pour effort like water into the unquenchable fires in their minds.

Keep Building

It must have been the same with the builders of the Ark. It is said the Methuselah sat in front of it for 120 years warning all of the rains sure to come on the day of his passing. Facing ridicule, Noah and his kin kept right on building, cutting wood and fashioning it into a structure sound enough to withstand the coming flood.

Sure enough, upon Methuselah giving up the ghost, the first drops of rain fell. Those who had a hand in raising the great ship and stocking it with provisions, were able to survive the storm. That's what we're doing here on Hive. So ignore the naysayers, and keep on building.

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Image Credit: Image Credit: [1] @EverNoticeThat Created using Canva

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