Grab bag of stuff

Wow life sure is different. For some reason I keep thinking that because I am from here and like some things about here that I might want to come back here.

Florida was too hot. Wisconsin has a nicer climate so far, but nothing is in walking distance.


Everywhere I go there is yard work. People need help, help doing things, planting or cutting down plants. Pruning or weeding or taking out the trash. This is one of the reasons its so tempting up here, there is a lot to do and the doing can pay a whole lot more. Without careful accounting one might even believe it makes sense to live up here in order to make more money.

That is if money is the goal...


But money is not a goal, its a means to achieve the goals, not an end in itself. So important are the understandings of the ends we want to achieve, lest we end up chasing after money the whole time and achieving nothing.

Are you learning? Are you enjoying? Are you making a difference? Adding value in the world? Becoming a better person? Or are you just making money?

And what about health? This is definitely a weak point for the money-rich Americans. The food is sad and the eggs are pale. I feel stronger than ever that what they think they know about nutrition is make-believe.

Its easier to 'go out' here, where inevitably some spanish speaker will work hard to do service in english so that they can earn money. I always wonder what they do with it, that is, what is their real goal?


But its sure nice to laugh and visit, my english was perhaps a little rusty too, but I've still got it and some would say I can still talk circles around many topics.

Family first, and there are more to see, today we have a party and I can't wait to see a dozen cousins. I would like to see a number of friends as well, there is still time but its flying by rapidly.


I need to do an update on the ECOBANK, maybe even three, but I feel good that the team on the ground is still working and sending me updates. I'm busy putting batteries in smoke detectors and clearing yard waste 4000 miles away from my life's work, but some times you need a break just to remember how good you have it.

I'm working hard to savor every moment, who knows when I'll be back, not even me.

Freedom and Friendship

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