Clintok Aulorian is back!

I am preparing for a big event, for me at least. Its been years (years!), even since the reboot, which was 2 years after the campaign originally died. There is something with gaming with friends, I keep too busy, they keep too busy, we just haven't been able to make it work.

In a similar vein to video games, I think about how much fun it would be to play, but rarely do, never in fact. Its been a long long time, but never say never - because Clintok is back!

Yes, we are doing an intensive all-in session, fly across the world, take off of work, spend 3 days doing nothing but - HELL'S REBELS.

I'm playing as Clintok Aulorian, Noble Scion and third son of a minor member of the famous House Aulorian of Kintargo. Our beloved city has been overrun by LE douchebags. We, the free citizens of Kintargo - do not comply. I am CG, if you are wondering.

I made a song, an anthem to our rebellion. We are still level one, but the GM had us pre-plan our characters to level 17, although we can make adjustments along the way.

Our party looks like this:

One specialty archer (dps)
One Arcane trickster (dps)
One Warpriest (tank)

And me. A bard. Left to do the main healing and utility. I have been working on my spell list a lot. Known spells, let's see what we have here:

0th:detect magic
ghost sound
Dancing Lights
read magic
Oath of Anonimity

1st: sleep (replace at 5th with hideous laughter)
cure light wounds (replace at 8th for Timely Inspiration)
Illusory Crowd
silent image (at 7th)
saving finale (at 11th)

2nd: Cure moderate
gallant inspiration
invisibility (replace at 11th for Path of Glory)
suggestion (at 10th)
mirror image (at 14th)

3rd: Haste
Dispell Magic (replace with Arcane Concordance at 14th)
Cure Serious Wounds
Good Hope
Confusion (at 13th)
Phantom Steed ???(at 17th)

4th: Cure Critical Wounds
Hold Monster
Wall of Sound
Dim. Door
Modify Memory (at 16th)

5th: Shadowbard
Greater Dispell Magic
Shadow Evocation
Cloak of Dreams

6th: Overwhelming Presence
Brilliant Inspiration
??? (at 17th)

Skills to pay the bills

I just have my skill list to work on next, a super important part as I will be the 'face' of the party. As a Noble Scion, I have a lot of bonuses to Diplomacy, as long as people know about my family (locals). I will also have quite a high intimidate score, and lots of Knowledge bonuses, which will stack with many of my bard abilities.

Here are my skill choices at level 1:
Perform (Oratory)
Knowledge (Arcana)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
Knowledge (Local)
Knowledge (Nobility)
Knowledge (Planes)
Knowledge (Religion)

We will see what I wind up being able to do with them.

Any thoughts from the peanut gallery? Do you ever play table top RPGs with friends?

Freedom and Frienship

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