Dream, Dream Dream

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about trying to write down my dreams, and why.


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Dream, Dream Dream

I was listening to a podcast the other day, which is something I do every single day, and one of the things he talked about, I found quite interesting: writing down our dreams.

Some of you might think "well duh dumbass, you don't write down your dreams?" and you would probably be correct. I know a lot of people have gotten into the habit of writing down their dreams, but apparently I'm a slow adopter in terms of that type of stuff. This guy had all kinds of mental improvements he made since he got in the habit of writing them down. I figured it was about time I got into that game!

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The guy, Boyo is the name of his podcast, is really fascinating on the psychological side and brings some pretty heavy topics and discussions. He also does a lot on the health and wellness side, but from his own unique perspective. He focuses more on optimization than other things and I think that's awesome.

The reason he did this was because he ran into issues getting out of the mental mess that schools end up leaving most people in. We get very bland and blah after attending the contemporary school system for over a decade of our lives. Understandably, it is important to eventually figure out how to detox our brains from that chaos and disaster, and this guy found a pretty good way to do that.

When we dream, it is debated what our brain is doing in that activity. Is it using a type of DMT, the hallucinogenic drug, to alter our state of consciousness? Or is it a connection to one of the other planes of existence or dimensions? I don't think we will find out that information for another few years or decades, depending on how things go scientifically. What we can do though is see the differences in our brains before, during and after a dream and how we process it.

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The notion Boyo was conveying is that dreams are our subconscious connecting to our conscious brains and working together to display a bit of a movie, which we call dreams. Pretty fascinating stuff chemically and biologically to be honest! For the way that Boyo is interpreting it, which I think I would agree with, is that when we wake up, we remember the best parts of our dreams but we don't remember the whole thing because it fades like a mist, the more our conscious brain takes over and the subconscious gets subdued throughout the day. By mid-morning, most people forget the dream they had entirely. I am one of those people!

With Boyo, he found that when he started writing his dreams down, he remembered them better over time. This also increased the strength of the dreams, almost like having a DMT or shrooms experience. This was profound for him because after he had been doing it consistently for several months, he found that he was finding the "spark" in his life and energy again. He didn't feel that life was boring, depressing and mundane. The subconscious and conscious working together more actively helped him see the beauty of the world and become more creative himself, which he was when he was a kid before the depressing environment of schools subdues us creatively and spiritually.

I don't think I have many challenges in this regard, compared to who I was listening to, but I do think that it would be great to be more connected to my subconscious and see what types of creativity I might unlock. It could end up just being a load of horse shit, and I write down my dreams for fun future reading to see what kind of mental shit my brain was going through at the time. I don't know, but I find the notion interesting and it's not a big deal to try and write down your dreams as soon as you woke up, to reflect back on later.


What about you, do you think writing down your dreams might be a beneficial thing? Let me know in the comments!

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