Changing VPN Providers

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about the good thing about making changes to the things we use, and how we can adapt by doing so!


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Changing VPN Providers

Changing VPN providers is one of the things that we have to do every so often. I had to do it and it does take a little getting used to!

VPN's used to be something that I would have to annoyingly do for work, before I really understood the sheer magnitude of the concept "data is the new oil" and made some moves to stop the internet and phone companies from harvesting my data at my expense, with no benefit to me.


I think with the shift from Web 2 over to Web 3, there are going to be a considerable amount of shifts in things like this. People are hopefully going to become much more aware of their data, how it's used for both good and bad things, and how they can take control over it so that they don't become some statistic on a sheet that can be extracted from in order to generate money.

Granted this isn't going to be everyone, just like the movie the Matrix, there are plenty of people who would rather be clueless and ignorant to these things than take control of it and make moves to improve their lives and situations. To each their own, for sure. I will however be making sure that I increase the amount of things that I try to take back! I'm not some evangelist that's for sure but I do try to spread small messages of awareness to the people close to me, even if that's a relatively small group.


With a VPN, that's one of the primary and important ways that we can take that control back. It's pretty crazy to think that internet and phone companies get a full list of every single website and thing we click on just by the nature of not encrypting the data that gets sent to them. There is so much of a market for this stuff, that they spend quite a bit of time and money to try and convince people that they shouldn't be taking steps to protect themselves. Just listen to the experts, right guys? Lol.

With the VPN provider I was using before, I got into a decent little rhythm but there are things to be improved upon for sure. For one, although I think that the company is pretty good, the VPN didn't score well on privacy and other professional reviews compared to the company I am moving to. Granted, it's better than not using one at all, but at the same time, if we are trusting these companies with not only our money but our data as well, it's a good idea to use a good one.


I think the biggest shift in it is going to be having to get used to going to a different place to activate my VPN. I do get some other perks with the company that I am going to be exploring, now that I'm a paid subscriber to their service but that's going to be an exploration for a different day. Still though, in the days where data is pretty inexpensive and the technology is mature enough it's good to make sure to provide your customers with a bunch of different perks if they choose to use you as their paid service!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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