Lego Creator (Fiat 500 960pcs) EXPERT (en-es) 🪁🧩🎮

After three days between my wife and I we managed to finish our first project, it is the lego model "Fiat500 of 960 creator pieces" lately we were looking for something to entertain ourselves and we read that buying legos is something that has been valued over time a lot and as many of them end up being discontinued then their long-term price "rises" so you entertain yourself and have a good investment in the future! Join us in this experience of how we put together this beautiful piece!🧠📚

Luego de tres dias entre mi esposa y yo conseguimos terminar nuestro primer proyecto, se trata del modelo de lego "Fiat500 de 960 piezas creator" ultimamente estabamos por buscar algo en que entretenernos y leimos que comprar legos es algo que con el tiempo se ha valorado bastante, y como muchos de ellos acaban por descontinuarse entonces su precio a largo plazo se "eleva" entonces te entretienes y tienes una buena inversion en el futuro! acompañae en esta experiencia de como armamos esta hermosa pieza!🤩🤯💴

Piece Review🙇‍♂️🧩/Reseña de la pieza🤔

When the city of Turin was expanding, the fiat company was founded in 1899 to be more exact on July 11, in the year 1900 the first company was founded that with only 35 workers would build a maximum of 24 cars. About the Fiat 500 we can say that they are one of the few cars that manage to last many years in the market, they were launched in 1957 and currently a new model was built in 2007 who would say that in Spain it was the sixth most sold vehicle of all! It is a compact, city, beautiful design! Although its engine is not powerful within the city, it meets all our expectations!🕵️‍♂️📚🧠🧩
Cuando la ciudad de Turin se encontraba en expansion se fundo la compañia fiat en 1899 para ser mas exactos el 11 de julio, en el año 1900 se fundo la primera compañia que con tan solo 35 trabajadores construirian un maximo de 24 automoviles. Sobre el Fiat 500 podemos decir que son de los pocos coches que consiguen aguantar muchos años en el mercado, fueron lanzados en 1957 y actualmente se construyo un modelo nuevo en el 2007 quien diria que en Espana fue el sexto vehiculo mas vendido de todos! es un diseño compacto, citadino, bonito! aunque su motor no es potente dentro de la ciudad cumple todas nuestras expectativas!👩👨🧑👧👶👵👴

Design for the most experts🙇‍♂️🧩/Diseño para los mas expertos🤔

Normally legos are associated with the smallest of the house but it is not like that! There are "Creator" designs on the market that can only be assembled by people over 16 years of age, despite being a very pleasant activity for parents and children to do! If you are an adult and want an activity to relax and feel pleasure then the creator models are your choice! as you can see on the box it is written "Expert" so they require a little patience and attention to assemble them! We did it at our own pace and we put it together in three days! In my opinion they are not IMPOSSIBLE! so it's not something that will make you lose patience xD😅😄
Normalmente los legos son asociados a los mas pequeños de la casa pero no es asi! existe en el mercado los diseños "Creator" que solo pueden ser armados por mayores de 16 años, apesar de ser una actividad muy placentera en realizarla padres e hijos! si eres un adulto y quieres una actividad para relajarte y sentir placer entonces los modelos creator son tu eleccion! como puedes ver en la caja esta escrito "Experto" por tanto requieren un poco de paciencia y atencion para montarlos! nosotros lo hicimos a nuestro ritmo y lo armamos en tres dias! a mi parecer no son IMPOSIBLES! por tanto no es algo que te hara perder la paciencia xD😋😋

The secret🙇‍♂️🧩/El secreto🤔

With the Legos Creator we have to be as patient as possible, take our time! never despair to see the final result because if you assemble a part wrong from the beginning, which in this case would be the Chassis, then you will have problems later because you will have pieces left over, remember that these "toys" are expensive to not give them the seriousness they deserve , the fiat500 costs between 80-120 euros!😮😮
Con los legos Creator tenemos que ser lo mas pacientes posibles, tomarnos nuestro tiempo! nunca desesperarnos para ver el resultado final ya que si montas alguna pieza mal desde el comienzo que en este caso seria el Chasis entonces tendras problemas mas adelante porque te sobraran piezas, recuerda que estos "juguetes" son costosos como para no darles la seriedad que merecen, el fiat500 cuesta entre 80-120euros!🧠🤯

time to assemble🙇‍♂️🧩/Hora de armar🤔

As you can see, the Creator models come with numbered bags that indicate the first steps to be taken, for example number 1 corresponds to the chassis of the car, number two to the doors, engine and accessories, number 3 to touch-ups and decals! first we proceeded to assemble our chassis🤯😮😮
Como puedes ver los modelos Creator vienen con bolsas enumeradas que indican los primeros pasos a realizar, por ejemplo el numero 1 corresponde al chasis del carro, el dos a las puertas, motor y accesorio, el 3 los retoques y calcomanias! primero procedimos a armar nuestro chasis😅📚🤔

Step 2 and 3🙇‍♂️🧩/Paso 2 y 3🤔

We arrive at the most fun part, which is step 2, where after finishing the chassis of our Fiat we are going to assemble the engine and other parts that are attached to the chassis, such as the doors, roof, hood and suitcase. as well as lighting accessories! You can say that so far the experience has been fun and we have not had problems with any bad assembly!😅🤔😋
Llegamos a la parte mas divertida que es el paso 2 donde luego de terminar el chasis de nuestro Fiat vamos a realizar el montaje del motor y otras piezas que van unidas al chasis tal es el caso de puertas, techo, la capota y la maleta, asi como tambien accesorios de iluminacion! puede decir que hasta el momento la experiencia ha sido divertida y no hemos tenido problemas en algun mal montaje!👨👩


I liked that the classic car models from creator have stickers to decorate our car that gives our fiat500 a colorful and more fun look! We have had a lot of fun putting it together and it becomes an addiction and we want to raise money to buy another one! We would like the red van but it costs 200 so I need to save a lot xD!😄😄
Me gusto que los modelos de carros clasicos de creator tiene sticker para decorar nuestro carro eso le da un aspecto colorido y mas divertido a nuestro fiat500! nos hemos divertido un monton armandolo y se hace una adiccion ya queremos reunir dinero para comprar otro! nos gustaria la furgoneta roja pero cuesta 200 asi que necesito ahorrar mucho xD!🏆🥇🥇


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Sources/ Referencias bibliograficas🙂🧠🦾👍

The LEGO design is not my property, just like the descriptive information of the Fiat 500 was extracted from the web and complemented with the manual!

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