Post Apocalyptic Web 3.0 World - Story Of The Rise of Decentralization


Hi everyone, it's TheRingMaster and today's blog might actually be the trickiest I will ever make because I had an idea of a story I could create in honor of Web 3.0 and the entire Hive Community.

  • Summary

The story is about a post apocalyptic world that was ruined by Centralized governance getting too much power and how Web 3.0 brought hope and a better world to the people.

In all honesty if Web 3.0 does not rise in our future, I believe this situation, all though it looks a bit far fetched could become a reality. Enjoy the story friends, and since it's my first time, would definitely love a rating and feedback from you.


Chapter 1 - The destruction of Centralization

In the distant future, humanity finally reached its breaking point with the rule of self centered, ambitious leaders and owners of tech industries that had all the power and controlled almost all the wealth of the earth.

It was the ugly aftermath of centuries of centralized governance that had disastrous effects leading to an apocalypse. Wars broke forth and world leaders driven only by their ego led armies into senseless battles.

Powerful factions sprang up across the globe with just a few individuals who had all the dominion over Earth's resources, information and decisions among them.

The planet was left in ruins as the "Greed Wars" of control and dominance were fought over it. Formerly thriving cities with the most advanced of systems and culture are now monuments to decadence and inequality at its highest display.

However as they say, when evil rises, good will show up to fight it and in the ashes of destruction, visionaries are born.

It was during this time where all hope seemed to have been lost that a small group of visionaries decided to step up and do whatever they could to save or rebuild the planet.

They had a vision and it was inspired by reflections on what led to the apocalyptic world in the first place. They named their vision "Istós 3.0" meaning Web 3.0.

  • Fourth wall break

Hehehe I had to look up the Greek word for "Web" just for the drama. Alright back to the story.

Their vision was a future they perceived where power will not be in the hands of few people driven by their own selfishness and ego. Power becomes decentralized with transparency and fairness reigning supreme.

This group of heroes was led by an honorable tech scientist named Dr. Khal Ramirez.


Chapter Two - Seeds of Change

Dr.Khal before the entire planet got ruined had been very familiar with all the shortcomings of centralization. He worked for these rich guys who only used his talents and knowledge for their own greed rather than helping others.

Dr. Khal was usually caught between a rock and a hard place, and since he also needed the money, he had to bend to the will of these psychopathic power hungry leaders.
However he saw his opportunity to do the right thing in the post apocalyptic era.

He always knew that real progress can only come from working together, and being inclusive with the aim of helping everyone rather than amassing all the resources for a few powerful people.

With the involvement of his able colleagues, he managed to invent a very advanced technique which he called the Decentralized Network (DN).

As they say - Necessity is the mother of all invention.

The network relied on a blockchain system for its operation in a way where information was stored securely and transparently within numerous computers.

With Dr. Khal's DN, people could connect directly without intermediaries or central authorities. It was equipped to ensure secure transactions, decentralized governance, and unchangeable records among other functions.

Dr. Khal new that to prevent the world from entering into this state of destruction again, he would have to spread the power amongst the people and with his DN technology he was able to give self-governance to communities. They had collective decision making processes and equitable sharing of resources.


Chapter Three - The Awakening

Now his network was not exactly popular from the time he invented. It was as you would call it; in the early stages.

However, people began to get word of the capabilities of DN, and for many of those who had been oppressed, there was a bit of hope for them now.

The reason they had lost hope in the first place was not just because the planet was ruined but because they knew even if they had to rebuild it, this disastrous event could easily happen again. However after seeing the potential of Dr. Khal's DN system, they had a chance to build the planet without the fear of Centralized governance ruining it again.

They were people from all walks of life that came together after they got disillusioned by many years marked with oppression and inequality at the hands of greedy leaders.

They came together to support Dr. Khal's dream. They were able to establish decentralized communities whereby every voice counted and each input was appreciated.

True Democracy was established.

These communities became literal breeding grounds for new ways of doing things. Everything that existed as a system in the centralized world had an upgrade from the DN.

Artists began sharing their work directly with patrons bypassing traditional galleries. The same galleries that were obstacles and limitations to their work, content and products.

Farmers were able to sell directly to consumers and that eliminated profit driven middlemen from the entire process.

Entrepreneurs started startups funded through decentralised crowdfunding ensuring supporters had a stake in their success. Everyone that used this system saw greater value in their own work than they ever experienced in the centralized world.

Dr. Khal's name spread across the globe and so did the names of his teammates.


Chapter 4 - The Struggle for Liberty

However, it was not easy for the conservatives and greed driven centralized leaders to relinquish their power.

The centralized factions that were challenged by a growing decentralized community launched aggressive attacks to maintain their control. They sent out hackers, scammers and lying media to do everything in their power to break the system or make it look bad with one objective; discouraging people from joining the system.

They spread lies and fear amongst the people about the credibility and potential of Dr. Khal's DN. The hackers did everything they could to hack the system through the centralized exchange platforms and steal money. In the very few times they succeeded, the Media would then project that incident out of proportion telling the people that the system can be hacked so no one should join.

However, every assault only made the decentralized communities more determined. They came together in defence of their newfound freedoms, using the resilience of the DN and the power of its Blockchain to resist and conquer challenges. In battling for their self-rule and independence, it demonstrated how collective actions are powerful and shared responsibility really matters.

Dr. Khal had more members join his team and together they worked on making the system better, stronger, more secured, scalable and even more capable than the centralized network.


Chapter 5 - A Fresh Morning

After quite a while fighting to making DN successful in the post apocalyptic world, it finally happened. The decentralized movement trialed and won.

Those preceding old central systems collapsed under the corruption they bore and mismanaged. It got out of hand for greedy egoistic leaders. They couldn't control the movement and it overpowered them.

At long last, that period was over, and a new world came into being, a world founded on decentralization principles and Web 3.0.

In this new world, faith shifted from organizations to algorithms plus consensus mechanisms. We put our trust and hope in ourselves rather than government and huge centralized tech companies controlled by few

We finally had innovation without restrictions or laws set by Centralized leaders to limit the people's progress.


Epilogue - The Legacy of Decentralization

Rather than merely praising the technological innovation itself, Dr. Khal Ramirez and his fellow visionaries were hailed as heroes for their faith in an improved world and resilience in the fight that set the world free from Centralized control and limitations.

The newer generations had this story of their journey passed down to them and became lessons reminding human beings about the principles that saved them.

The world was now aware that true development did not come from power or wealth stockpiling but from individual and community empowerment.

I personally believe the most powerful resource a nation can have is human resource. Human resource is what really makes the difference between two countries.

The people looked ahead to a promising future with their sights on the horizon, a future that was shaped by decentralization and web 3.0.


Happy Ever After, The End......

Now of course this ain't the real story behind the creation of Web 3.0 and thank goodness it's not because we'd have to go through an apocalypse just to create Web 3.0, hehehe.

As I was writing this story, it hit me that no doubt the future of Web 3.0 is great but that means the people that contribute to making it work will be the great heros of tomorrow.

History is being written right now as we keep improving Web 3.0 and those that come together to make it great in the future will be successful. I'm proud to be part of this movement and to know all the friends I've made so far.

You don't have to be a tech genius or Blockchain expert to contribute. Just by being on Hive, sharing posts, engaging, making friends and connections, you're contributing to the development of Web 3.0.

Why do I say that? Well the Internet is nothing but a collection of our own data. As we put quality data into Web 3.0, we're building a quality Internet for the future. So keep sharing and keep making all the connections.

Let's Make Web 3.0 Great

Thanks for reading friends, I hope you enjoyed the story. Would absolutely appreciate your comments and views.

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