Is OpenAI Trying To Lure Content Creators?


OpenAI’l has been making a lot of moves to get content creators on their side because they understand that content or data from these creators is what makes ChatGPT and all their services possible but I feel like their efforts to reach out to influencers seem like a calculated play.

They've been offering creators access to AI tools and showcasing their creative potential and to me if feels like what they're doing to investors, just trying everything they can to get their money.

A lot of creators are clearly not happy with OpenAI's bots scraping their content without permission and is all that OpenAI been doing a genuine attempt to mend fences with the community or just another marketing strategy to brush off the ongoing legal issues with content privacy and copyright?

Have you heard about their new "Head of Creators" role?

Let me share a link to their page where they talk about it but it's basically giving content creators access to OpenAI tools and getting them more involved in their development.

Head of Creators

If I'm being honest, this whole thing looks like damage control after all the backlash they got for scraping YouTube content without consent.

When I hear about influencers like Don Allen Stevenson or Celia Quillian using AI tools to create art or plan a meal, I just wonder if they are genuinely excited about it or just playing along because it keeps them relevant and perhaps they're getting paid behind the scenes? But these partnerships are mostly unpaid and that makes it feel even more off.

OpenAI gets the publicity, the creators get access that's the deal they're striking here. Sure, free access to tools will make me feel special as a creator, but when you're told not to talk about the tech behind it because of NDAs, that crosses into uncomfortable territory. We should ask why they're being so secretive?

I think this whole content creator partnership is mainly an attempt to redirect attention from all the copyright lawsuits. OpenAI claims it’s working on a “Media Manager” to give creators control over their data. Should we the creators be hopeful about this? Maybe we should but after so much attack on OpenAI, this to me is more like a delayed apology rather than a real solution.

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