Google will soon Settle Dispute amongst people 😂


Have you heard of the recent news on what Google has done. Google's DeepMind has been able to make a new AI tool which they call the Habermas Machine.

You know that there can be times where a group of people have to agree on very tough issues where it's hard to decide who's opinion is the right one. This AI tool will help people agree on those kinds of issues. It works by first listening to each person’s views separately and then with the algorithms it has been trained with, it can find a common ground. The end results will be that it will create a statement that most people involved in that argument or issue can agree with. I'm going to tell my brother I've found a way to settle our issues on who sleeps on which side of our bed, hahaha.

When the programmers tested it, it did much better than human mediators on topics like voting age and even the British National Health Service.

But there was one thing they noticed. They noticed that the AI was avoiding very sensitive topics like transgender rights or climate change so the discussions are kept calm. Let's be honest, there's almost no way to talk about transgender issues involving people that are both for and against transgender rights without it escalating.

So that made the tool a bit less useful because if it will avoid such discussions which are the most important when it comes to confusing debates, then do we really need it? Some people are also concerned because they think AI might be biased and end up pushing certain views. DeepMind claims that their AI can still help societies find more unity even if it won’t work for every debate.

Perhaps as they keep improving it, it'll get better at tackling more divisive debates like the transgender one, although I don't think people will come to a 100 percent agreement on anything.

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