Apple Company Might Be In Some Serious Trouble This Time 😱... iPhone 16 Drama


I'm sure you've already come across a lot of bad reviews and funny memes about just how should I say bad the iPhone 16 is. Well the iPhone 16 is not exactly bad or good and that's the problem. It's almost the exact same thing as the iPhone 15 of last year. This is a bad thing for a company that prides itself to be an innovative tech company.

The reason I say they're in serious trouble is because before the phone's release, the company anticipated such a high demand for the 16 and why wouldn't they, they're Apple right.

They trusted in how well the iPhone 16 will perform, so much so that they significantly increased the number of units to produce.

This increase in production led its primary manufacturer, Foxconn to go ahead and hire over 50,000 new workers in about two weeks of the changes. Now that's a lot of workers to pay and yes Apple's got the money but the issue is that the phone released and reviews are really bad.

Almost everyone is criticizing the iPhone 16 and to be honest besides an Apple company worker, I haven't heard anyone say something good about the new iPhone 16. This has caused the stocks of Apple to drop seriously low.
Yesterday the stock price got way worse with demand dropping almost 30 percent. It's different percentages for the different versions which includes pro and pro max.

The value of the company has dropped and I fear it might continue to do so because investors are a bit scared. This whole lack of significant innovation didn't start today but I think we're seeing the climax.

But hey, AI might end up saving the day for Apple. They are yet to release the much anticipated AI technology and perhaps that will reignited people's desire for new iPhones. Let's see how this goes.

By the way which iPhone are you using right now? And If money was not an option, wil you go for the iPhone 16.

I think at the moment, most people that complain are either loyal Apple users that are disappointed or anyone that really respects Apple for making the best and are disappointed.

I barely think too many people will shift from Apple ecosystem to Android because of this but some just might. iPhones are getting more expensive and less innovative, this is a bad spot for any tech company to be in. I hope things turn out better for the company.

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