Avoid over saving money

Greetings everyone,how is everything going with each and everyone of you? My First time posting here, hope am welcome.

I want to share with you about over Saving money.
You must have been taught that to have and keep money with you, you need to save.This is because, growing up, you will get all types of financial advice from all types of people.

Our parents and teachers are part of those who will advise us, and our religious leaders will also tell us what to do and what not to do with money.And one of the things they will tell us to do with money is save it!
And while saving is a good advice, there are people who over do it, we may be wondering if it is possible to over save,believe me, it is possible.

When you make money, and you refuse to meet your needs today simply because you are saving for tomorrow, then you are over saving.There is only one exception to this. If you are in the process of building your life, and building your finances, then you may have to starve yourself of some of the good things of life to build.

During that period, any money that comes to you, you will have to take out the amount to be spent on saving and investing first, then you can spend the rest.But that is only if you are in the process of building your finances, or carrying out a major project. So yes, saving to the point where you starve a bit, is only necessary when you are building something.

However, there are people, who are not building any investment, house, or trying to buy a car, they just keep piling up money for nothing, while they suffer in pain everyday all in the name of saving.

Listen, if you don't spend enough money to take care of yourself, you won't even be in the right physical condition to work and earn money.
In that suffering, your work will be ineffective, and the money you should earn, will pass you by for no reason.

So please, while saving money is a good financial habit, over saving is a habit that is just very bad for you. So avoid over saving money.
Thanks all for stopping by my blog

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