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The Mystery Behind Blue Eyes

Blue eyes have always fascinated me. There is something about blue eyes that feels almost like magic. Blue eyes, I recently discovered, are not just for show; they are actually a fascinating part of human history. In fact, there is something I came across lately which was truly amazing: all blue-eyed people have one common ancestor. This implies that every blue eyed person has a distant relative somewhere.


It all began with the occurrence of a genetic mutation in one human being who lived between 6k and 10k years ago. The mutation did not affect the gene we would expect it to change. Rather than altering the OCA2 gene which regulates the amount of brown pigment found in our eyes, this mutant instead altered another gene known as HERC2 that switched off its expression so that it no longer produces any product resulting in brown eyes.

Moreover, how this mutation spread is equally interesting. Based on the analysis by scientists, this could have been during migration from Africa to Europe by humans. That’s why most of today’s blue-eyed individuals are European descendants. It is mind-blowing to imagine how a single genetic accident can carry such broad implications with an effect lasting long after it occurred.

The coolness factor of the way blue eyes work is pretty awesome. Actually, they have no blue pigment at all. Rather, the front layer of the iris lacks pigment which leads to light entering the eye being scattered. This scattering effect makes the eyes appear blue. It is akin to how sky looks blue due to light scattering in the atmosphere.

Knowing that I find it even more special that our world has people with blue eyes. They are a beautiful testament to our shared human history and how interconnected we all are as people. It’s incredible to think that wherever someone with blue eyes may be on this planet, they carry within them this small part of their DNA passed down from one ancient ancestor.

I really love how this story creates a sense of unity. In a world where we often highlight our differences, it is refreshing to remember our common heritage. Blue eyes serve as a good example of this fact. The fact that such a small twist in our genetic code can link up millions of people across continents around the globe amazes me truly.

In 2008, this finding was made by researchers from the University of Copenhagen. The DNA of blue-eyed persons was investigated and it was found that all those who have blue eyes share a similar genetic change. Consequently, every recent person with blue eyes has inherited this mutation from the same person. This is indeed amazing because it humbles us and makes us appreciate genetics better.

How this alteration spread is absolutely interesting. As early human beings moved from Africa to Europe so did they carry this genetic change along with them. Over many centuries, it has become more widespread especially in Europe. Presently, about 8-10% of people globally have blue eye coloration.

I am amazed at how science can expose these hidden tales within our DNA. It makes me remember that each trait we possess carries along a narrative. Blue eyes simply illustrate one such example but they demonstrate the interconnectedness between us all very well. Our genetic composition is like a tapestry whereby time and geography are joined by threads linking us back to our forebears and forward to fellow humans alike.

This information makes me view blue eyes in a different light. They are not only a physical attribute, but also a tie to our past. Blue eyes tell us about the journey of our ancestors and how we all belong as one people. Every time I spot someone with blue eyes, I think about this collective past and feel awe and connectedness.

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