Rothschild into Crypto

My journey in cryptocurrency started with financial literacy way back in 2009. At that time, our hero is Robert Kiyosaki. I bought five of his books from Rich Dad, Poor Dad to Retire Young, Retire Rich, a book he co-authored with Sharon L. Lechter.

It was Robert Kiyosaki who introduced me to the Austrian School of Economics, and from there to Edward Griffin, the author of the book, Creature from Jekyll Island. Since then, the name Rothschild has become familiar to me.

Studying the history of finance, particularly in Europe, the name is notorious in international banking. The name is even connected to civil unrest and the two world wars. However, the mainstream dismissed such a story by associating it with various conspiracy theories.

Now that we are in the 21st century, the financial institutions established by the Rothschild family are still with us. One is the Edmond de Rothschild Holding S. A., a financial institution connected to the French Rothschild banking family. It was reported that this institution is now in Grayscale's GBTC and Blackrock's IBIT. If conspiracy theories are correct that the net worth of the Rothschild family is between 400 billion USD and 20 trillion USD, that 3.6 million USD invested in Grayscale and Blackrock is just a drop in the bucket.


From Historic Banking Family to BTC

Net Worth of Rothschild Family

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