Facing One's Fear

Uxoriphobia is an unusual kind of fear. It is the fear of one's wife, a subset of the general fear of women. This might be caused by a traumatic experience involving a spouse. This manifests in avoidance of interacting with one's wife. This is anomalous for it runs contrary to the very character of the marriage relationship, which is intimacy.

Other types of fear exist such as the fear of public speaking, classified as a social anxiety disorder. The fear of relationships, community, and trust is another. A painful past might be the cause of it. There are times that one may think that he is already done with it and then suddenly the "ghost" of the past will unexpectedly revisit you. Failing to deal with it, one can be paralyzed and stay unproductive for days and weeks. Other kinds of fear can be named such as fear of the future, fear of death, etc.

How do people face their fears? Taking them for granted will not solve the problem. Others would resort to psychological and psychiatric treatment. Medication, therapies, and other relaxation techniques are the preferred solution for many. Still, others would cling to counterfeit hopes.

The only legitimate fear is the fear of God. It is described as the beginning of wisdom. Someone defines wisdom as the knowledge of God and the knowledge of ourselves.

The Prophet Isaiah declared that the people who feared no one but God must not fear anyone or anything:

So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand ( Isaiah 41:10)

Based on the above text, the Chaplain identified three anti-fear remedies: divine presence, promise, and power. While listening to his message and reflecting on the text, I concluded that taking God and His presence for granted is why the people of God are afraid of many things. Only by recovering our faith in His presence and focusing on our knowledge of Him can we find the courage to confront our fears. This we can do by grace and through the help of the Holy Spirit.

How does focusing our faith in God's presence and the knowledge of Him address whatever fears you have in life?

  • Because this God promises to give you strength

  • Because this God promises to help you, and

  • Because this God promises to uphold you with His righteous right hand.

These threefold promises are exactly what we need to come out victorious in facing our fears. If these truths will not give you comfort, I don't know of any other way that can deal with your fears.

The only way to address our fear is by focusing on God's presence and the fact that He is our God because He assures us that He will strengthen us, help us in time of need, and uphold us with His righteous right hand. This promise is given only to those who fear Him, those who are related to Him through His Son, Jesus Christ the Lord.

Grace and peace!

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