Are You Really Silent or Not Talking?

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There is a saying, "Silence or not speaking is golden". Be careful we are stuck with this adage. Because the proverb is not always profitable for us. It's wrong for us to be trapped by the proverb that we make as a guide in life so it can harm ourselves.

There are several reasons that in my opinion, this proverb is inappropriate to use in the following conditions:

  1. When we want to find a place or address, then we get lost due to several reasons, for example, the GPS network is not good, so it's better if we don't use this adage. Don't be shy to ask.

Likewise in life, if we have a problem it's good to solve the problem ourselves, but if we can't solve it, there's no need to be silent or proud to ask friends for help. Here we must distinguish between being embarrassed to ask questions or speaking out of pride. Because we can't possibly move forward just because of prestige. Then talk to friends who we think can help solve the problems we face.

  1. When we feel bullied.
    Our association with friends does not always run smoothly, sometimes because we are so close, without realizing it, there are words from our friends that are not pleasant, and sometimes even make us feel bullied. So, if this happens, being silent or not talking is not a good thing. It's good that we have to talk about what our friends are doing is not good. This is not solely for our own good but also for the good of our friends who may be unknowingly bullying our friends.

Those are some of the reasons why I say that not always being silent or not speaking is golden. We have to choose wisely where silence or not speaking is good, or where we have to speak to say something for the common good.

Thank you to all friends who have stopped by on my blog, it's just a personal opinion. Each of us must have a different opinion. Hopefully this post is useful. Keep the spirit, take care of your health and don't forget to always be grateful.


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