Hello Hive

Hi everyone I'm John Kumah from Ghana and I've been a freelancer online for about 3 years now.

I do a lot of online research seeking for jobs because I prefer to work at home than in a company with way too many regulations. The discipline to wakeup at 5 am and get ready to go to a workstation and stay there till it's evening is just not in me so I prefer to do gigs on my PC and earn a living.

But this year I decided to step it up from there, I didn't want to just be doing freelance work, I want to grow wealth from the internet. I wish I had a talent for jokes or acting because I would have been a YouTuber but standing before a camera is no joke for me.

I've been searching online for ways to earn. Since I'm in Ghana, I'm barely eligible for most online jobs. The online jobs seem to be reserved for most westerners. That's unfortunate. Infact PayPal is restricted in this country and a lot of the online work pay through PayPal. This is why I mostly prefer jobs that pay in cryptocurrency. I guess that's the advantage of having crypto, it can be sent anywhere anytime without much delay.

This led me into a search for platforms that pay in cryptocurrency or allow you to do something and earn crypto. From faucet sites to gambling sites to purely scam sites I've seen quite a lot of them.

I consider doing a little bit of research to find websites that would make you earn from blogging and my research led me to this place.

Well I'm not exactly going to live off of what I earn here since I've got that already figured out but I've seen a lot of users stay in this platform for years so I'm thinking this might be the most trustworthy of all the crypto earning platforms out there.

Took a bit of time and did my research about Hive. My new favorite word now is Blockchain and Web3. I can't believe this platform has been around for years.

Well this is me introducing myself and hoping to enjoy this new world. I picked the "Cent" community for a reason, it general purpose. I've got almost no niche but I like technology and science a lot. Was the best in chemistry and physics in my class and I'm always glad to see how far the world has come with advancements in technology.

Maybe I might share a few on what I know but there are times where I might change the topic I go all the way to movies because I like those too.

I'm glad to be here and ready to meet new people and make new friends.

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