A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies

You know when they say that "deep secrets are hidden in the pages of a book" no doubt Annabel took that saying personally, she wasn't just inquisitive but also adventurous and for her reading was a way of discovering hidden treasures.
Most times, everybody gets to know about somebody by the things written about them. People could easily be known, judged, or identified by the things they write. Indeed life's deepest secrets are hidden in the pages of a book and only the wise discover them.

Annabel started her reading life at the age of nine, she could read so many books within a short period, from adventurous books to comics to romantic novels, suspense, fashion and what have you. Whatever was printed in ink and biro always captivated Annabel's mind, at first she read with little or no comprehension, but consistency is the word. Her social circle was mostly members of her reading league.

Through the power of imagination, she would travel the shores of the world, exploring the rich culture and ways of others, there was just one new thing to learn or discover each day, and if you aren't discovering the hidden treasures buried in strange places, you would probably be reading about other planets and imagining life outside of earth.

Books are either read for educational, research, or entertainment purposes but for Annabel, she wasn't just about reading or studying for the sake of it, at a tender age, she realized that great men weren't just born but through hard work, consistency, and aspirations, great men were made and interestingly their secrets to successes are hidden in the core pages of a book written by either themselves or by others.

It is a dream come true to see herself becoming a person of great command and audience, someone who could share her wisdom with those who sought it. Just like Queen Sheba who traveled the length of the world just to seek an audience with King Solomon; a man considered the wisest in his generation and all times.

Annabel understood that to be a person of wisdom and value, then you must be engaged and married to books, reading expands your horizons and thinking capacity. Not to forget that long-aged secrets are penned down and hidden by the wise, and these secrets are only discovered by those who seek them.

People are known for three things in life: their wisdom, wealth, or fame. One may not necessarily have the other two but a man with wisdom cannot easily be unnoticed or ignored. He is like a goldfish in the lake, he takes charge and commands his words, and others nod in affirmation and agreement to the words of such a man.

Annabel got her first fancy diary on her thirteenth birthday anniversary, her dad gifted her with the diary as a way of encouraging her to pen down her thoughts, imaginations, dreams, and ideologies. Excitement was written all over her as she held on tightly to her diary.

This was the beginning of a new phase. Annabel never failed to write daily in her diary. She was so attached to her diary; it became her confidant, lifeless as it is, she could confidently put everything about her in it. Every single moment was captured in her diary. Moments of pain, Joy, betrayal, motivation, and life nuggets didn't escape her diary.

Since she had always desired to be a great orator, she carefully nibbled her thoughts into words, imagining her audience in their hundreds or thousands; smiling, clapping at the same time giving her a standing ovation. This euphoric feeling was something Annabel enjoyed the most.

Annabel wouldn't be confident just on her own, her exposure to reading about great personalities who overcame their timidity, weaknesses, and imperfections was the motivation needed to make her build a wall of confidence around herself. This was a period of constant practice, persistence, and hard work.

You know when they say "Life sometimes doesn't go as we plan", it is usually heartbreaking but consoling if we make the most out of it. Years later, Annabel was diagnosed with a life-threatening ailment, and her state of health was deteriorating, she fought tooth and nail to survive but unfortunately, the cold hands of death snatched her very existence, leaving her world cold and dark.

Her dad found her diary; a diary that kept her secrets, dreams, and aspirations, a companion throughout her journey in life, Her dad was proud of her, although there were certain things she had done that could have been done differently but it didn't matter anymore for even in death he was proud of her. Her dad was amazed by the wealth of wisdom his daughter has shown in her writings, he knew that his daughter would like to share with the world a part of herself and he was willing to honor her with that.

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