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Great Wealth Are Hidden In Books.

If you want to attract money, you have to create time for reading books.


Reading books does not grant you direct access to money, but it creates a path that you can follow to get the money you want. Books gives you a proper guidline and direction to wealth, it position your mind in a state that will attract money to you. When you read books, it changes your mindset to start thinking about wealth.

Inside books, you get clarity, it illuminates your understanding, they show you the path of wealth and what you must do to get money. If you want to lead, you must learn how to read. If you want to find money, read books, for you will find it in abundance there, iti up to you to get it out of its hiding place.

Unfortunately, if you go to poor neighborhood, you will hardly see libraries located there, all you see are things that will take away your money like, clubs, bars, betting and lottery shops, brothels, and all kinds of money wasting places. When you look at rich neighborhood and community, you find out that there are provisions for libraries where the rich go to feed their minds with things that will bring more wealth to them.

The library were the rich get ideas to make money out of the poor. When the rich get ideas from books, they come to invest it in the poor neighborhood by building places that will take away money from the poor because they are ignorant of the effect it would cause on them, all because they did not know how to read.

It is very risky to depend on only luck without knowledge. If you want to go farther, get knowledge and wisdom by reading books that would make you wealthy.

Lead by reading.

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