Modesty should be the dress code of Life

Greetings to my esteemed friends on the Cent community. It's another time to share facts that are worth emulating in life and one of those facts is Modesty. It's your friend @faquan saying hello from this part of the world.



One of the keys that'll make you avoid much trouble in life is modesty. Modesty helps you maintain a focused driven life.

I think that modesty should be the dress code for everything area of our lives. This simply means that before you act or carryout anything in life, you should first ask yourself this question, what'll happen to others if I carryout this act?

This clearly shows that modesty helps you to put others at heart before taking that decision you want to.

Before we dive into what areas you need to be modesty, let's look at what modesty means.

What's Modesty?

Modesty is a virtue necessary for purity. It flows out of the virtues of temperance, chastity, and self-control. A modest person dresses, speaks, and acts in a manner that supports and encourages purity and chastity, and not in as manner that would tempt or encourage sinful sexual behavior. Modesty protects the mystery of the person in order to avoid exploiting the other. This attitude instills in us the patience and reserve we need for avoiding unbecoming behavior.Source

From the above, we can say that modesty is the act of being moderate in everything we do. I mean everything we do.

Areas to be modest

  • Dressing
    Let truth be told, one of the challenges facing the entire world is in the area of dressing. Most people see fashion as wearing anything that they want with curtailment. It's obvious that the main purpose of wearing a dress is to cover our nakedness, but today, there's no difference between wearing a dress and being naked. I know, you'll say that it's your right to choose what and when to put on a cloth. Yes! You're right and it's part of your human right to have freedom in all you do, but what I'm saying is that modesty should be key to your dress code.

  • spending
    Many people are of the opinion that, they have right to do whatever they want to do with their money. That's absolutely true, but if spending frivolously is you lifestyle, then, you're wrong.
    Yes! You worked for the money, but the truth is that you have to put others in mind when you spend. Jesez! What are you talking about, the money I made, I should put others in my plans? Yes! You're alive not just for yourself, but to help the less previleged in the society. Please, can I ask you a question, do you pay for the air you breathe, if no, then, I appeal to you, to put the poor guys around you in your budget.

  • Speech
    Many people just say anything they want to say, without considering others. Are you aware that many are depressed because of the last words that came out of your mouth? Others are having suicidal thoughts just because you spoke rashly to them. Have you thought about thinking before you speak. One of the ways to help your life is to think before you make any utterance. Moderate and season your speech with salt and you'll save lives rather than take lives.

Modesty is key, put it into practice.


Grace and peace to you all

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